• Song:

    Old Dog

  • Artist:

    The Slackers

  • Album:

    Close My Eyes

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Artist: The Slackers
Song:   Old Dog
Album:  Close My Eyes

Standard Tuning.

G: |------------------------|
D: |------------------------|
A: |------------------------|
E: |--7---5---3---7---9---10|

G: |------------------------------------|
D: |------------------------------------|
A: |------------------------------------|
E: |99-7-9-10--7--7-5--5-3--7--7-9--9-10|

  Post Chorus
G: |-------  4x  --------|
D: |---------------------|
A: |---------------------|
E: |-7---3---5---7-(9-10)| (cut out the fourth time)

  Modified Verse
G: |--------------------------|
D: |--------------------------|
A: |--------------------------|
E: |-7--7-5--5-3--7--7-9--9-10|

Verse           6x
Chorus          4x
Post Chorus     1x
Verse           4x
Chorus          4x
Post Chorus     1x
Verse           8x
Chorus          4x
Post Chorus     1x
Verse           4x
Modified Verse  7x but start fading out after the 6th

And there is the entire song.
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