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Theme Songs
"Star Wars"
Standard Tuning, or E,A,D,G Tuning

This is one way to play it.
G ------------7----------7-----------
D ---7--5-4-----7--5-4-----7--5-4-5--
A 5---------7----------7------------7
E -----------------------------------

This is another way to play it.
G ------------3----------3-----------
D ---3--1-0-----3--1-0-----3--1-0-1--
A 1---------3----------3------------3
E -----------------------------------

This is another way to play it.
G ----------------------------------
D ------------5---------5-----------
A ---5--3-2-0---5-3-2-0---5--3-2-3-0
E 3---------------------------------

  These were various way of playing the Star Wars Theme Song.  These are all basically the same thing, but they are all played in different keys, or sections of the fretboard to play on. I hope you enjoy this and thank you for viewing my tab.
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