Hello there The tuning of this song is: D# G# C# F# A# d# s= Slide to Intro: Play with a bit of flanger and palmute this chord: D#|--------| G#|-0------| C#|-2------| F#|-2------| A#|--------| d#|--------| Listen to the song to hear the rhytm and number of times verse: D#|------2--------------| G#|-0----4----5----7----| C#|-2----4----7----(b9)---| F#|-2---------7----(b9)---| A#|---------------------| d#|---------------------| X4 The lyrics go: Pack up, I've had enough, that's it, I quit Give up, you win, I lose, you win You choose, you stay I'll go, you stay, I lose I used to be a dreamer But I realize that it's not my style at all In fact it becomes clearer that a dreamer Doesn't stand a chance at all Chours: D#|--------------------| G#|-0---2---5---7------| C#|-2---4---7---(b9)-----| F#|-2---4---7---(b9)-----| A#|--------------------| d#|--------------------| X2 Phil Lynott sings: Get out of here Get out of here Bridge: D#|---5--5s(b9)----4--2-------------------------------------------------| G#|-----------7---------5--5s(b9)----5--7-7--5-5--4-4--2-2--------------| C#|-----------------------------7-------------------------------------| F#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| d#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| X2 While the lyrics go: Get out! Do I make my self clear? The other guitar plays: D#|-----------------------------| G#|-0---5---7--7--5--5--4--2----| C#|-2---7---(b9)-(b9)-7--7--6--4----| F#|-2---7---(b9)-(b9)-7--7--6--4----| A#|-----------------------------| d#|-----------------------------| X2 Verse: D#|------2--------------| G#|-0----4----5----7----| C#|-2----4----7----(b9)---| F#|-2---------7----(b9)---| A#|---------------------| d#|---------------------| X2 Lyrics: No way, I must go, can't stay, must run No chance, I can't give a second chance No hope, there's no hope for you now No romance, no more romance No how, no how could we stay together No need, I have no need for you now No fear, no fear of you no more Chorus: D#|--------------------| G#|-0---2---5---7------| C#|-2---4---7---(b9)-----| F#|-2---4---7---(b9)-----| A#|--------------------| d#|--------------------| X2 Lyrics: Get out of here Get out of here Follow up chorus: D#|---------1--3----------| G#|--3--5---3--5----------| C#|--5--7---3--5----------| F#|--5--7-----------------| A#|-----------------------| d#|-----------------------| X2 Lyrics: Get out of here Do I make it clear? Get out of here Back up, give in, go home Get out! Solo: The other guitar in the solo plays: D#|---5--5s(b9)----4--2-------------------------------------------------| G#|-----------7---------5--5s(b9)----5--7-7--5-5--4-4--2-2--------------| C#|-----------------------------7-------------------------------------| F#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| d#|-------------------------------------------------------------------| X4 Im to lazy to tab the solo, but heres some useful scales to play with: D#|--5--8----|-----------------------| G#|--5--7----|-----------------------| C#|--5--7----|-----------------------| ( )= Perhaps not for improv-beginners, F#|--5--7----|-(9)-------------------| optional in other words A#|--5--8----|--8--10----------------| d#|--5--8----|--8--10--(11-----------| D#|--17--20--|-------------------------------| G#|--17--1(b9)-|-------------------------------| C#|--17--1(b9)-|-------------------------------| F#|--17--1(b9)-|--(21)-------------------------| A#|--17--20--|--20--22-----------------------| d#|--17--20--|--20--22-(23)=If you have a 24-| fret guitar D#|-------------| G#|-------------| C#|-------------| F#|--12--14-----| A#|--13--15-----| d#|--12--15-----| Bridge 2: Just play this chord, listen to the song for the rhytm D#|--------| G#|-0------| C#|-2------| F#|-2------| A#|--------| Verse: This verse is different from the other ones, beacse it's in another key: D#|----------------| G#|-3--0--1--3-----| C#|-5--2--3--5-----| F#|-5--2--3--5-----| A#|----------------| d#|----------------| X4 Lyrics: I used to be a dreamer But I realized that it's not my style at all In fact it becomes clearer that a dreamer Doesn't stand a chance at all And I've become bitter For I believe that this is better No matter, whatever, whenever We can never ever stay together Chorus: Also in new key: D#|----------------------------------| G#|--3--5---8---10----3--5--1--3-----| C#|--5--7---10--12----5--7--3--5-----| F#|--5--7---10--12----5--7--3--5-----| A#|----------------------------------| d#|----------------------------------| Lyrics: Get out of here Get out of here Last veres/outro: New key again: D#|---------4--6-----| G#|--6--8---6--8-----| C#|--8--10--6--8-----| F#|--8--10-----------| A#|------------------| Until song fades Lyrics: Do I make myself plain I don't want to ever see you again Get out of here Pack up, give in, get out of here Rev up, go away, get out of here Give in, go home, right away, get to Pack up, give in, give up, rev up Go away ... out The song fades out