------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOW MOTION - Third Eye Blind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by:Johnnybench9 Hey, this is a great song, very simple and easy. Tuning is standard. I tried to be accurate with chord placement but figure out exact timing by listening to the song. all chords should be standard bar chords. if you prefer using open chords just plug in "transpose down a half step" at the top, capo the first fret, and then play all chords relative to the capo. where it says "palm mute" strum the chord once and immediately mute all strings. here it goes. Chords used: D# (x43121@3)A# (x1333x@1)G# (xx1114@1)Fm (133111@1)Cm (x3101x@1) Fm* G#* e|6 6 4 1 3 8 11 B|8 6 4 1 4 9 13 G|8 7 5 1 5 10 13 D|8 8 6 3 5 10 13 A|6 8 6 3 3 8 11 E|x 6 4 1 x x x Intro/ Played over verses 2 and 3 D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) G# (xx1114@1) Fme|----------------------------x-------x--------1---1-------------------| (133111@1)B|---------9-8---6----6-------x-------x------1---4---------------------| G|------8------8----7-7-------x-------x--------------------------------| D|----------------------------x-------x--------------------------------| A|---6------------------------x-------x--1--3--------------------------| E|----------------------------x---4---x--------------------------------| D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) G# (xx1114@1) Fm (133111@1) Fm* G#* e|----------------------------x-------x------------------8----11------x B|---------9-8---6----6-------x-------x------------------9----13------x G|------8------8----7-7-------x-------x------------------10---13------x D|----------------------------x-------x------------------10---13------x A|---6------------------------x-------x--1--3------8-----8----11------x E|----------------------------x---4---x-------------------------------x Verse 1: D# (x43121@3) A#Miss (x1333x@1)Jones taught me English G# (xx1114@1) FmBut (133111@1)I think I just shot her son D# (x43121@3) A#'Cause (x1333x@1)he owed me money G# (xx1114@1) FmWith (133111@1)a bullet in the chest you cannot run D# (x43121@3) A#Now (x1333x@1)he's bleeding in a vacant lot G# (xx1114@1) FmThe (133111@1)one in the summer where we used to smoke pot D# (x43121@3) A#I (x1333x@1)guess I didn't mean it G# (xx1114@1) FmBut (133111@1)man, you shoulda seen it A# (palm mute) His flesh explode Chorus: D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) Slow motion see me let go FmWe (133111@1)tend to die young D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) G#Slow (xx1114@1)motion see me let go G#What (xx1114@1)a brother knows D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) CmSlow (x3101x@1)motion see me let go (G#*) Verse 2: D# (x43121@3) A#Now (x1333x@1)the cops will get me G# (xx1114@1) FmBut (133111@1)girl, if you would let me D# (x43121@3) A#I'll (x1333x@1)take your pants off G# (xx1114@1) FmI (133111@1)got a little bit of blow we could both get off D# (x43121@3) A#Later (x1333x@1)bathing in the afterglow G# (xx1114@1) FmTwo (133111@1)lines of coke I cut with Drano D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) G#(palm (xx1114@1)mute) And her nose starts to bleed (no chord) A most beautiful ruby red Chorus: D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) Slow motion see me let go FmWe'll (133111@1)remember these days D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) G#Slow (xx1114@1)motion see me let go G#Urban (xx1114@1)life decays D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) CmSlow (x3101x@1)motion see me let go (A#) G#And (xx1114@1)at home Bridge: G# (xx1114@1) A#My (x1333x@1)sister's eating paint chips again Cm (x3101x@1) G#Maybe (xx1114@1)that's why she's insane G# (xx1114@1) A#I (x1333x@1)shut the door to her moaning CmAnd (x3101x@1)I shoot smack in my veins CmWouldn't (x3101x@1)you? G# (xx1114@1) A# (x1333x@1) FmSee (133111@1)my neighbor's beating his wife FmBecause (133111@1)he hates his life G#There's (xx1114@1)an arc to his fist as he swings A# (x1333x@1) CmOh (x3101x@1)man, what a beautiful thing A#And (x1333x@1)death slides close to me Cm (x3101x@1) A#(palm (x1333x@1)mute) Won't grow old to be (no chord) A junkie wino creep Verse 3: D# (x43121@3) A#Hollywood (x1333x@1)glamorized my wrath G# (xx1114@1) FmI'm (133111@1)a young urban psychopath D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) I incite murder G# (xx1114@1) FmFor (133111@1)your entertainment D# (x43121@3) A#'Cause (x1333x@1)I needed the money G# (xx1114@1) Fm(palm (133111@1)mute) What's your excuse? (no chord) The joke's on you Final Chorus: D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) Slow motion see me let go FmOh (133111@1)yeah D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Fm (133111@1) G#Slow (xx1114@1)motion see me let go G#I... (xx1114@1)D# (x43121@3) A# (x1333x@1) Cm (x3101x@1) A#Slow (x1333x@1)motion see me let go end on D# that's it, its pretty easy and a great song. hope you like it.