                            FSharp- (133211@1)Tim Minchin
Tabbed by: whovian713
Email: jacobpodgorski@gmail.com

The F sharp on here bothered me greatly. I figured it out for the piano, but I wanna 
share it with the world, so here you are.

If you have an questions/comments, feel free to email me

Bb (x1333x@1)               A (x02220@1)          DmI've (xx0231@1)been having a little problem recently
         Gm (355333@1)             A (x02220@1)       DmWhich (xx0231@1)is quite disturbing musicalicly
            Bb (x1333x@1)   A (x02220@1)           DmInvolving (xx0231@1)a semi-tonal discrepancy
Gm (355333@1)                     AVocally (x02220@1)and Instrumentally

Bb (x1333x@1)         A (x02220@1)            DmYou (xx0231@1)see musicians of different varieties
       Gm (355333@1)       A (x02220@1)        DmPrefer (xx0231@1)playing in particular keys
    Bb (x1333x@1)              A (x02220@1)           DmAnd (xx0231@1)singers too treat preferentially
      Gm (355333@1)                              AThose (x02220@1)notes they tackle more proficiently

Bb (x1333x@1)         A (x02220@1)       DmNow, (xx0231@1)you, don't have to be a member of MENSA
   Gm (355333@1)                       ATo (x02220@1)understand the depth of my dilemma
        Bb (x1333x@1)        A (x02220@1)       DmThe (xx0231@1)two elements of me favour two different keys
         Gm (355333@1)            A (x02220@1)            DmThus (xx0231@1)the rift betwixt my fingers and my Tenor

Bb (x1333x@1)                             FI (133211@1)like nothing more than playing instruments in F
   Gm (355333@1)                         AIt (x02220@1)warms the very cockles of my heart
    Bb (x1333x@1)                           FThe (133211@1)trouble is that F can leave me vocally bereft, you see
       Gm (355333@1)         A7I (x02020@1)like playing in F Major, but I like singing in...
DmFSharp.... (xx0231@1)FSharp.... FSharp...

Bb (x1333x@1)                          FI (133211@1)refuse to be beholden to my hands
  Gm (355333@1)                           AI (x02220@1)don't see why my Larynx should give in to their demands
Bb (x1333x@1)                                FI'll (133211@1)not be forced to compromise my art
    Gm (355333@1)                      A7And (x02020@1)so I'll keep playing in F Major, and singing in
DmF (xx0231@1)Sharp... F Sharp... F Sharp...F Sharp...Fsharp

Gm (355333@1)              C7 (x32310@1)                         FI'll (133211@1)keep playing in F Major, but I'll keep singing in F Sharp!
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