"As Far As The Eye Can See" by TNT

Artist : TNT
Song   : As Far As The Eye Can See
Album  : Tell No Tales
Tuning : A half a step lower



  Verse (Palm mute on the 6th string)




 Distorted tone
|Clean tone


                                                PMPM    PMPM
  2nd Verse


 Repeat pre-chorus

  2nd Chorus
|-------------------------------------|-> Palm mute

                                                       PMPM    PMPM
  Guitar solo

|----Use a pick to do a trill----13-15-17-15-13--------|
|-    |       |       |     | ------------------13-----|

|-----------------------------------------------------arm--------w/ arm--|


  Acoustic guitar

|----3-------3-------3--------3--------3-------3----|-> w/ distortion--|

|-------------------------------------|-> Palm mute

                                                       PMPM    PMPM

 Repeat intro with the line below


 * Legend *
/  = Slide up
  = Slide down
h  = Hammer-on
p  = Pull-off
~  = Vibrato
PM = Palm Mute
PH = Picking harmonic (Artificial harmonic)
 = Natural harmonic
b?/ = Bend : ? represents how many steps to bend
        bh/   = Bend a'half' (x02210@1)step
        b1/   = Bend awhole (x02210@1)step
        b1.5/ = Bend whole and a half steps
b? = Release : ? represents how many steps to release.  If no number is
                  present, release it to the original pitch.  This notation
                  could be just '' as in bh/  / for bending, releasing to
                  the original pitch, then bending again
g? = Prebend (Ghost bend) : The number before 'g' is the fret and ?
                            represents how many steps
        10gh  = Bend the 10th fret note for a 'h'alf step THEN pick

       \     //        TNT : Tony Harnell   (Lead & Harmony vocals)
        \   //               Ronni Le Tekro (Guitars, vocals)
         \v//                Morty Black    (Bass guitar)

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