my first posting, love this song but couldn't find it. so here it is, i think its pretty 
accurate. You gotta listen to the song to the song to get a good feel. I hate that when 
i copy this from one place to another the chords jump to different spots! whats up with that?

1 song, 1 page, everything in place - strive for it!

Todd Snider - Happy New Year

Capo on 5th fret

C (x32010@1)                 Ghappy (320003@1)new year everybody there's an overweight man with an overweight woman
                               Con (x32010@1)a sofa just watching TV hes yelling his opinion at the television she
                                           Dlooks (xx0232@1)up from her food and agrees they got two bumper stickers on there pick
                                              Gup (320003@1)truck they keep the pick up parked outside one sticker says "what would
                                                         Gjesus (320003@1)do?" the other bumper sticker says "power of pride"  I was thumbing
                                                 Cthrough (x32010@1)the stations on my own television when i come across a guy on the
                           Dreligious (xx0232@1)station singing "somebody's coming" sounding whiter than me
    G (320003@1)                                                             Csomehow, (x32010@1)wow, it took me back in time through dwindling joy to when I was
                                      D (xx0232@1)                    G (320003@1) Csuch (x32010@1)a guilt ridden catholic boy, I'm evangelical agnostic now   I don't know
                      D (xx0232@1)                                  Gwhat (320003@1)we're doing here you don't know what were doing here,    now Christians
                                             Cdon't (x32010@1)walk out on me just yet you know whose name im yelling as im clutching
                    D (xx0232@1)                                      Gmy (320003@1)chest the one my dad told me to and his told him to and I probably pray as
                                                                Cmuch (x32010@1)or more than you do believe? shit, every word i sing but believing and
                                                    Dknowing, (xx0232@1)those are two different things and if your trying to change the way
                                   Ga (320003@1)strangers life will have to go I believe this is where i wanna stick to
                     C (x32010@1)                                   Dwhat (xx0232@1)i know which is nothing you know, nothing for sure so just chill til the
                 G (320003@1)                                       Cnext (x32010@1)episode now back to the lecture at hand seems like my neighbor wants to
                                      Dkill (xx0232@1)what he cant understand I say we cant just kill what we don't understand
      Gbut (320003@1)I turn on my tv and see that oh yes we can we can and we have since then
            C (x32010@1)                                                    Ddawn (xx0232@1)of man for countless gods whose only real seeming plan was to see to it
                                           Gthat (320003@1)clinging to life was our fate and you gotta admit that life's pretty
      C (x32010@1)     D (xx0232@1)                               Ggreat, (320003@1) but    can we deny that its killing us?   i'll be here all week

C (x32010@1)           G (320003@1)        C (x32010@1)              G (320003@1)  
   Chappy (x32010@1)new year everybody happy birthday country joe I resolve to do like i
G (320003@1)              Dalways (xx0232@1)do I aint hurtin you

G (320003@1)                                    Cif (x32010@1)life is anything its embarrassing a rusty nail through a careless shoe you
D (xx0232@1)                                                        Gcan't (320003@1)help but sit around and wonder sometimes why there's never anything the
                                                          Cpoor (x32010@1)nail can do or think about how unfair it is that the shoe is only going
                           D (xx0232@1)                                       Gwhere (320003@1)it has to too if you ain't the dumb kid out running around you kinda

gotta do what your born to do hey

C (x32010@1)           G (320003@1)                     C (x32010@1)               
      Ghappy (320003@1)new year everybody specifically happy birthday to you Country Joe I
 C (x32010@1)                 G (320003@1)             D (xx0232@1)                      
       Gresolve (320003@1)to do like I always do and I only ever make it a day or two
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