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G5              A5   G5             A5   A5                 A5

A5                  A5                 G5             A5   G5              A5

G5              A5   G5                  C5         F5 C5    C5         F5  C5
 .....................                     Waiting,  by the shoreline,    in

G5         C5  G5    G5        C5  G5    A5
       Semoline, for a reply,            I need u, to come see me, that's no

G5                                      C5         F5 C5    C5         F5  C5
        lie....                        The guns are, getting closer,    the

G5         C5  G5    G5        C5  G5    A5
      sweat pours like the dew,     that's over the trees in Tripoli in the

G5         G5 G5                       C5         G5        A5        F5
       Spring.........               I'm White Hot, I can't take it any more

C5         G5         A5       F5         C5         G5        A5        F5
     I'm W.H. by the Semolion shore,  W.H.!, yes, I'm boiling to the core, I

G5              F5    G5                  C5         F5 C5    C5         F5  C5
   need rain,                             Cast out, from the jungle, with no

G5         C5  G5    G5        C5  G5    A5
        rations, salty sea,             presenting faulty rifles to the

G5                                      C5         F5 C5    C5         F5  C5
       thieves........in Tanzania..       Danger and misfortune, nothing

G5         C5  G5    G5        C5  G5    A5
     wagered, nothing gained,        I have wandered, thru the desert, found

G5         G5 G5                       A5
 the ocean,    not the rain..[I can remem.] the nite by the strand in

F5                                      A5
we were so much younger then    [I had u & my] poetry to protect me, we were

F5                                      G5
so much cooler then,                I need rain............

C5         G5         A5       F5         C5         G5        A5        F5
    I'm W.H., I can't take it any more, I'm W.H. by the Semolion shore, I'm

C5         G5         A5       F5         G5             F5    G5              F5
     W.H., yes I'm boiling to the core, I need rain,       INR         I

G5                                      A5                           A5
        rain.....                            [intro riff]

G5                                      A5                           A5
                                            [intro riff]

G5                                      A5
                    [I can remem. the nites] by the sea in Tripoli, we were

F5                                      A5
so much bolder then, I had u & my poetry to protect me, we were both

F5                                      G5
then, bolder then, colder then, I need rain....         I need rain,  I need

G5                                      A5
    rain,                                 White Hot!!!!       [outro]

G5                                      A5
                                           White Hot!!!
Play A and G until fadeout
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