By Tom McRae

(T=10th fret)

D- T90xxx
A- 540xxx
G- 320003

Now it's essentially just these 3 chords over and over again... normally adopting this
strum pattern... all quick downstrums by the way and notice the hammering on to create
a sus4 effect... very important that you nail it

  D (xx0232@1)             A (x02220@1)             G (320003@1)             DE------------------------------------------------------------------ (xx0232@1)B------------------------------------------------------------------

Occasionally Tom changes the strumming, plays more notes of the chords 'n' stuff but
listen to the record for that banter...

D (xx0232@1)               A (x02220@1)                   G (320003@1)                   DLight (xx0232@1)me a smoke, I'll tell you a story of how the West was won

                    A (x02220@1)                 G (320003@1)                    DFlew (xx0232@1)over diamonds, east river shining, a city sinking in the mud

                 A (x02220@1)                 G (320003@1)                  DAnd (xx0232@1)in a second, a life-long second, I knew what we'd become

                           A (x02220@1)                        G (320003@1)                           DWe (xx0232@1)use up people, use up time, use up places say goodbye searching for the crowded hour

                              A (x02220@1)                                G (320003@1)              DNow (xx0232@1)there's a buzzing in the wires, look for lightening in your eyes and I see it there

...and it's just that. For 6 minutes. Any banter (although please none of the historical
civilizations sort...) to

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