Tabbed by Jean-David 

 C5                           F5 
Folks in Florida cast their votes
   C5          G5      C5
As all good citizens do
In West Palm Beach, the ballots read
     C5                   G5
'To vote for One, punch Two
    F5                        C5
And once you've punched it, punch it again,
And give it another good push
    C5                               F5
You thought you voted for Gore, surprise!!
    C5            G5         C5
You cast your ballot for Bush.'

    F5                  C5
In Florida the sun is shining
It's early bird dining
And early to bed
      F5                          C5
The Republicans said: ?Stop the counting?
Gore's total is mounting
Let's quit while we're ahead

   C5                       F5
Katherine Harris hit the switch
    C5          G5           C5
Saying, 'This vote's certified
Off the Democrats went to court
       C5                   G5
Like hell the Republicans cried
   F5               C5
A hundred million votes were cast
Including yours and mine
    C5                    F5
But in the end the only ones
     C5         G5      C5
That counted numbered nine

  C5                               F5
The boys and girls in black robes met
   C5       G5      C5
And held a tug of war

And when they cast their votes at last
        C5        G5
Bush won it, 5 to 4
    F5                      C5
Five judges selected the president
Five judges had their way
   C5                       F5
And I expect they'll all retire
   C5    G5       C5
To Florida some day
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