I Wish It Was You (Capo on 1) Intro.: | (A) | (G) | (A) | (G) | (F) A car goes by and I see your (C)face A strangers face in the (G)window and I wish it was you (F) I'm in a room, it's a crowded (C)room A friend walks up to (G)say hello and I wish it was you (F) 'Cause every memory that (C)haunts my mind (F) is just another reason (G)why (I wish it was you) (A) A phone ring in the middle of the (G)night A doorbell in the broad day(D/G)light, a letter in the mail that I (D)come home to (I wish it was you) (A) When I see two people on the (Em)street Touchin' like they don't care who (D)sees, laughin' the way we used to (Bm)do I wish it was (A) you, and I wish it was (G)you I wish it was (A) you, and I wish it was (G)you (F) I'll meet someone who could be the (C)one But soemthin' always (G)happens before the night is through (F)There's that certain look and that certain (C)smile There's that old familiar (G)pattern, and I wish it was you (F) Tellin' me that you'll be (C)back someday (F) And I don't have to feel this (G)way (I wish it was you) (A) A phone ring in the middle of the (G)night A doorbell in the broad day-(D/G)light, a letter in the mail that I (D)come home to (I wish it was you) (A) When I see two people on the (Em)street Touchin' like they don't care who (D)sees, laughin' the way we used to (Bm)do I wish it was (A) me, and I wish it was (G)you I wish it was (A) me, and I wish it was (G)you Inst.: | (Em) | (Dm) | (F) | (G) | (Dm) | (G) | (I wish it was you) (A) A phone ring in the middle of the (G)night A doorbell in the broad day-(D/G)light, a letter in the mail that I (D)come home to (I wish it was you) (A) When I see two people on the (Em)street Laughin' like they don't care who (D)sees, touchin' the way we used to (Bm)do I wish it was (A) me, and I wish it was (G)you I wish it was (A) me, and I wish it was (G)you I wish it was (A) you (G) (A) (G) I wish it was (A)you (G) (A) (G) (A) (G) --- fade Can't play "I Wish It Was You"? 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