so this is my first tab ever so if its not great dont get to upset
i looked up tabs for this song awhile ago and there was no correct
 tabs for it at allso i decided to tab it myself. i didnt figure out
 the song tho i watched a youtube video by some guy named trggr and
 learned it that way. the video wasnt 100% correct so i tried to
 change it to match the song as much as i could. also i know that
 the solos can be played on more than one string, i learned it on one 
string from the video, it helped me remember rather than switching
 around and not being completely sure so if you really care enough
 you can figure it out for yourself and not give me shit for it.
 and yes, i realized its 2 guitar parts. this part is a combo of 
the 2 kinda, playing main parts but still having alot of the same



here is the variation of the end part the fourth time playing
 this after the first chorus. if you dont understand the wording
 in that sentence just listen to the song after the first chorus
 its around the 1:26 mark in the song.



|--------------------------------------------------------| the part after
|--------------------------------------------------------| the 2nd solo
|-8--8888------------------------------------------------| only play the
|-9--9999-------------11-11-11-11-11---------------------|top line until
|-7--77779--99999--9--9--9--9--9--9-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-|he starts singing
|--------7--77777--7----------------9--9--9--9--9--9--9--|the actual chorus


little rift thingy-


solo 1-



power chords-

|----| play 8 times |---| play 8 times |---| play 16 times
|----|              |---|              |---|
|----|              |---|              |---|
|-11-|              |-9-|              |---|
|-9--|              |-7-|              |-9-|
|----|              |---|              |-7-|

solo 2-

|------------------------|-------------------------|  play 4 times

|-14-14--12-19-12-11-9-7-|-11-9-7-11-9-7-9-7-11-9-7-11-7-9-7-| use this for
|------------------------|-----------------------------------| the fith
|------------------------|-----------------------------------| time of the 
|------------------------|-----------------------------------| solo

so those are all the parts of the song and here they are in
 order. what i have for the number of times above are how many
 times its counted for below for those of you who may be confused.

intro x 4
chorus x 2
little rift thingy x 1
intro x 5 (4th time use the variation)
chorus x 2
little rift thingy x 1
solo 1 x 1
power chords x 1
solo 2 x 1
chorus first line x 4
chorus x 2
little rift thingy x2

at the end of the song the little rift thingy repeats slower
 than the first then strummed like it normally is, then strum
 from the high e string to the low E string.
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