I realised there were no new bands on mxtabs like spunge, bowling 4 soup and obviously trucks. So here’s trucks and I’ll put any other good songs on as soon as I’ve worked them out. It’s quite easy but the end of verse fill ins are hard to understand! 0 – hit on snare drum/kick on bass x – hit closed hi-hats / hit crash cymbol X – hit open hi-hats c – crash cymbol h – hi-hat b – bass drum s – snare drum INTRO: Loose hi-hats h: x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~ s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x2 b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ VERSE 1: Closed hi-hats h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x3 b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~ h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxXx~xxxxxxx~ s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~0~~0~~00~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~~~~~~~~~~ h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x3 b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~ h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxXx ~xxxxx~~ s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~~~~~~~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~~~~~~~~~ CHORUS : Loose hi-hats c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x2 s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ VERSE 2: Closed hi-hats h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x3 b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~ h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxXx ~xxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~00~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~~~~~~~~~ CHORUS 2: Loose hi-hats c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x2 s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ b: 00~~00~~00~~00~~ NEXT BIT: Closed hi-hats h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x6 b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ CHORUS 3: c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ b: 0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~0~~~0~~~0~~~00~~ c: x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s: ~~0~~~0~~~0~~~0~ x3 b: 00~~00~~00~~00~~