Forever Starts Tonight by Tyler Ward 
Intro: C, Em, Am, F
CPack (x32010@1)my bags
            EmAnd (022000@1)I'm heading out to be with you
         AmBut (x02210@1)I don't know where
          FBut (133211@1)I'll find you there

Driving up the 101
My back against the rising sun
And I don't know how
But just hear me out

We'll say
Oh oh oh oh oh
Here we go!
Oh oh oh oh

Live like no tomorrow
Just worry about today
My love will last forever
When the money goes away

Dancing on the time roll
The risk is what we find
At least we'll have each other
If forever starts tonight

Hey, hey
Hey ooo, come on

Come rain come shine
I'll stand in line
I'll walk many miles just to know you're mine
I'll come after you
And we'll make it through
(You know we always do, haha!)

Coz in this heart
You're number 1
And no matter where we go 
No matter where we run
Just stay next to me 
Coz you're all I need

We'll say
Oh oh oh oh oh
Here we go!
Oh oh oh oh

Live like no tomorrow
Just worry about today
My love will last forever
When the money goes away

Dancing on the time roll
The risk is what we find
At least we'll have each other
If forever starts tonight

Hey hey

Would you love it if I wrote a love letter tonight
Say that we can take a plane and write our names in the sky
For everyone to see it, everyone to read it
That forever starts tonight 
Would you love it if I wrote a love letter tonight
Say that we can take a plane and write our names in the sky
For everyone to see it, everyone to read it

We'll live like no tomorrow
Just worry about today
Our love will last forever
The money goes away

Would you love it if I wrote a love letter tonight
Say that we can take a plane and write our names in the sky
For everyone to see it, everyone to read it

Now, live like no tomorrow
Just worry about today
My love will last forever
When the money goes away

Dancing on the time roll
The risk is what we find
At least we'll have each other
If forever starts tonight
Hey hey

On and on and on we go
Where it stops, no walking moment 
On and on and on and on we go
                                                    Learn to play "Tyler Ward" with online video lessons

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