• Song:

    Christan Wonan

  • Artist:

    Type O Negative

christian woman
by: type O negative
played in B tuning

tabbed by pspace
/ slide
P palm mute
~ pick slide

|--5--7--2----5---4---2-----------|  {repeat once}

|----------------------------------|   {repeat three times}

|----------------------------------|                         *
|----------------------------------|{palm mute one open then slowly let ring}

chorus #1

|--5--7--2-----5---4---2-----------|  {repeat}

repeat verse

chorus #2
|------------------------------------|   {repeat}

{keyboard break}
repeat chorus #1 twice
then chorus #2 four times

|----------------------------------------------------------------|  16 times}

{arter you repeat it the second time there is a harmonic part that I don't know!}

Solo {after the eleventh repeat of the above tab}


|----------------------10--------------| bend whole step twice



{jesus christ looks like me}
        PP   PP     P           PP h
    *  pick slide

   PP    PP   P
|--00-12-00-12-0-10--10-10--10-bend half step---|

   PP   PP     P

{repeat the above seven times
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