great song! please rate this tab key ^ = 8 times ^^ = 16 times ^^^ = 24 times ^^^^ = 32 times x/y = slide from "x" to "y" intro: rest and then come in at 0:12 with: G------------------ D------------------ A------------------ E-4444444434343444- 1 verse - (4 times): g------------------ d------------------ a-3^^^^------------ e-------5^^^^------ 1 chorus - (2 times): g------------------ d------------------ a-7^-8^------------ e------8^-5^------- chorus ending (once): g------------------ d------------------ a--7^-8------------ e------------------ bridge (once after chorus ending): g------------------ d------------------ a------------------ e-8875-55553-1^^--- then verse 4 times then chorus 2 times then chorus ending followed by the bridge once rest and come in at 2:28 with: g---------------------- d---------------------- a-0-(96 times i believe) e---------------------- Guitar soloish part is the the chorus riff (4 times) then: g------------------ d------------------ a-321-------------- e----1^^----------- then verse (4 times) then chorus (2 times) then chorus ending follwed by the bridge once outro: g------------------ d------------------ a------------------ e-8-7-5-3-1-/5555-- great song! please rate this tab