Alburn Road - Ulrik Munther

Jag ?r inte s?ker p? att det ?r 100% r?tt, men n?stan i alla fall!
D 4 bandet D 7 bandet D 9 bandet X2 = Ta f?rst ett vanligt D (andra bandet) , sen D p? 
fj?rde bandet, efter det D p? sjunde bandet och sist ett D p? nionde bandet och b?rja 
sedan om.

Capo 2 (Om du vill spela till studio-versionen)

D (xx0232@1)         Bm (x24432@1)A (x02220@1)     DWell (xx0232@1)if I held the hours in my hand
        Bm (x24432@1)   A (x02220@1)     Dhad (xx0232@1)the sun at my command
   Bm (x24432@1)          A (x02220@1)          D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x24432@1">Bm AI (x02220@1)could be with you again

G (320003@1)              DAnd (xx0232@1)you thought I was lonely
     G (320003@1)        Em (022000@1)               Gbut (320003@1)I, I never felt that way back then

D (xx0232@1)           ADown (x02220@1)Alburn road
                   Bmon (x24432@1)a sunset summer sky
                G (320003@1)            Dyou (xx0232@1)whispered please, remember me
                 Athe (x02220@1)leaves were golden, when I kissed your
      Bm (x24432@1)                   Glips (320003@1)goodbye, you whispered please remember me
D 4 bandet D 7 bandet D 9 bandet X2 (OBS! f?rklaring h?gst upp!)
down Alburn road
oh yeah

D (xx0232@1)               Bm (x24432@1)      A (x02220@1)       DWell (xx0232@1)If I could delay the turning tide
          Bm (x24432@1)     A (x02220@1)     DI (xx0232@1)would bend and trix the time
        Bm (x24432@1)      A (x02220@1)         Djust (xx0232@1)to be there by your side

G (320003@1)              D (xx0232@1)             GAnd (320003@1)I, I didn't believe you when you
             Em (022000@1)                Gsaid (320003@1)I was falling, falling for you


D (xx0232@1)          ADown (x02220@1)Alburn road
                   Bmon (x24432@1)a sunset summer sky
                G (320003@1)            Dyou (xx0232@1)whispered please, remember me
                 Athe (x02220@1)leaves were golden, when I kissed your
      Bm (x24432@1)                   Glips (320003@1)goodbye, you whispered please remember me
D 2:bandet, D 4:bandet, D 7:bandet, D 9:bandet X2 (F?RKLARING H?GST UPP)
down Alburn road
oh yeah

Am (x02210@1)                Cadd9it's (x32030@1)like you turn a light on
                  Ga (320003@1)light up on my world
             Dand (xx0232@1)I could see, all that's possible
Am (x02210@1)             Cadd9you (x32030@1)were right there before me
                G (320003@1)               Dshining (xx0232@1)in the sun, but now your gone

D (xx0232@1)          ADown (x02220@1)Alburn road
                   Bmon (x24432@1)a sunset summer sky
                G (320003@1)            Dyou (xx0232@1)whispered please, remember me
D (xx0232@1)     A (x02220@1)         BmWoohoo (x24432@1)ooh yeah
               Gyou (320003@1)whispered please, remember me

D (xx0232@1)          ADown (x02220@1)Alburn road
                   Bmon (x24432@1)a sunset summer sky
                G (320003@1)            Dyou (xx0232@1)whispered please, remember me
                 Athe (x02220@1)leaves were golden, when I kissed your
      Bm (x24432@1)                   Glips (320003@1)goodbye, you whispered please remember me
D 2:bandet, D 4:bandet, D 7:DE bandet, D 9:bandet X2
down Alburn road

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