• Song:

    When The Sun Sleeps

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Play Your Old Stuff

i really wanted to know how to play this song so i looked for it on here and found the intor done by someone that didnt' show their name but i learend the intro form him and htat helped me figure out the rest of the song on my own so here is the entire song minus the intor which is already done perfectly by someone else, i garenttee this matches the intor so enjoy all those who have wanted to learn underoath's when the sun sleeps...

verse 1/play as chords
(whenever i put "x8" or any number the whole chord is played that many times before moving on to the next chord)
D ----9--- x8 ---------7----------------9---- x8 -------7--------------5--- x32 ----
A ----7-----------------9---- x8 -------7----------------5--- x8 ------3--------------

chorus/play as chords

D ------5----------7--------9---------------7--------------------
      "close....my......eyes................just for tonight"          

part after chorus/intro to verse 2 and verse 2

D -------9----9----9----9----9---9--------9----9----9----7----7----7-----
A ----7----7----7---9----9----9---------7----7---7----5----5----5---------

D ---------9---5------------9----5---------
A -----3-----------3----5------------5-----

bridge x4/ play as chords
*(the fourth time on this part the other guitarist does somethign like this,.... D---5----7----9----7----- all palm muted)

G --------------------------------7-----------------------------------
D -----------------------9---------------9----------9----------------
A -----10--10--10--------10--------------10--------10---------

G -------------------------------7----------------------------------
D -------------------9--------------9-------9----------------------
A -----9--9--9----------9--------------9-------9----------------

* G -----------------------------7------------------------------------
  D -----------------9----------------9-------9----------------------
  A ----7--7--7---------7---------------7-------7------------------

G -------------------------------7-----------------------------------
D -------------------9--------------9-------9----------------------
A -----9--9--9----------9--------------9-------9-----------------

ending part 1/ play as chords
                     D ------5---------------7--- x16 ---9/10/9---------7------------
                     A ------3-- x16 ------5-------------7/8/7---------5--- x16---

D -----5------------------------------------7--------------------9/10/9-----------7---------------
A -----3- x16-----------------------------5--- x16 ----------7/8/7------------5----- x16----

(make this part sorta sound choppy)
D -----5---------7----------9---------7-----------
A -----3---------5----------7---------5-----------


D ----------9------5-----12-----9------5--------------
A ----5------------------------------------------3-------

member that the intro fits in with this just done by another tabber,, thanx  --vitaman
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