Kumbaya Tab by Unknown World tabs | tabbed by joshrawley | comments (0) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report Kumbaya Tabat 911Tabs.com + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help Kumbaya tab by Unknown World, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to Kumbaya Add to favourites Difficulty: novice tf_artist = "Unknown World"; tf_song = "Kumbaya"; This is afantastic (x02210@1)campfire song and is really easy to play so there are no
excuses to not knowing this one people! Although this is my first tab I'm pretty
confident that this is how it is played. I'm sure there are other ways to play it
but this sounds good and is easy to play. Have fun around that campfire :)
[ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]G[/ch] [ch]C[/ch]
Kum-ba-ya, my lord, kum-ba-ya. Kum-ba-ya, my lord, kum-ba-ya. Kum-ba-ya, my
[ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch]
lord, kum-ba-ya.
[ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]G[/ch] [ch]C[/ch]
Oh Lord, Kum-ba-ya.
[ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]G[/ch]
Someones singing, lord, Kum-ba-ya. Someones singing lord, kum-ba-ya. Someones
[ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]F[/ch] [ch]C[/ch] [ch]G[/ch] [ch]C[/ch]
singing lord, kum-ba-ya. Oh lord, kum-ba-ya.
tf_artist = "Unknown World"; tf_song = "Kumbaya";