• Song:


  • Artist:


  • Album:

    The Used

[* = let ring] [h= hammer on] [p= pull off] [/= slide up] [=slide down]

The 5's in this could also be played as an open A but seeing it live i saw jeph play the 
5 on E, or 7 on Drop D

Verse 1

...it wasnt worth my time.. [0:18]




chorus X2

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..
|A|-77766----|     <-Dont play 2nd time, let the last 4 ring.

Verse 2 

..each drags a drop of blood a grain..[1:03]



|A|-44444-44444-4444-444444-44*-|-4-445-0-| <-extended part before chorus @ 1:17

chorus X2

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..
|A|-77766----|      <-Dont play 2nd time, let the last 4 ring before bridge


..my time..
..my ti-i-ime
..my time..
..my ti-i-i-ime..

im about to see all the things i thought id never see before and i

im 'bout to do all of the things i dreamed of and i dont even miss you at all

im about to see all the things i thought id never see before and i

im 'bout to do all of the things i dreamed of and i dont even miss you at all (*** you)

chorus X4

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..

    ..goodbye to you goodbye to you..

..you're taking up my time..

goodbye to you, goodbye to you
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