• Song:

    The Best Of Me

  • Artist:


Tuning: half a step down in drop D or drop C sharp 

PM = Palm Mute where the periods are
~ = let it ring
/ = slide

*Comment and rate it so I can know whether I should leave it up or not.*

Db|-7~---8~---0~~-------|  4x?s intro

|------------------------------------------------------------------|  4x?s

|-00-0-0--0--00-0-0~--00-0-0--0--3-3-3--X-X-X-|  2x?s

|-8~--5~--0~~--| 2x?s
?I could forget your name??

PM        . .
?I could forget how you had tried to get the best of me? 

|-00-0-0-----00-0-0~--00-0-0------||------SLIDE (from bottom of neck-up)
	?YOU!    NEVER!?.GOT|... ....ME!!!!?

|-8-8-8-8-5-5-5-5-00-0--0~-00-0--0~-| 2x?s
?Real nice to know that you care?? 

|-------------| Palm Mute: double pick on 
|-------------| the twelfth fret
   .  .  .  .
?You make me wana forget??

|-8~--5~--0~~--| 2x?s
?I could forget your pride??

PM        . .

?I could forget how you had tried to get the best of me? 
|-00-0-0-----00-0-0~--00-0-0------||------SLIDE (from bottom of neck-up)

|-8-8-8-8-5-5-5-5-00-0--0~-00-0--0~-| 4x?s
?Real nice to know that you care?? 

|-----------| P.M. double pick
PM. . . .

|------------------------------------------------------------------| 8x?s

Solo: I can?t figure out the solo
Just this part: 
Bend 7; the ?b?s are the repetition of the bend without a strum

|-8-8-8-8-5-5-5-5-00-0--0~-00-0--0~-| 4x?s
?Real nice to know that you care?? 

    4x?s	  4x?s
?(You make me. you make me) You make me wana forget?

	2x?s		2x?s

|-0-0-----| 3x?s 


I can definetly hear another guitar in this song, but I can't make it out.

Here's something u can work with. its at 2 minutes and 24 seconds
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