• Song:

    Venom Intoxication

  • Artist:

    Venom Intoxication

Venom Intoxication-Venom Intoxication
Tuning:Guitar 1:ADGCFAD & Guitar 2:CGCFAD
This song is about my life & how it f***in sucks

Intro 1: Guitar 1 (Distorted)
-------------------------------------------------  X2

Intro 1: Guitar 2 (Distorted)
---0000000000-1111-33333---0000000000-1111-333333  comes in after the intro 1 on 1st 2 measures

Intro 2: Guitar 1 (Heavy Distortion)
-------------------------------------------------  X2

Intro 2/Chorus: Guitar 2 (Heavy Distortion)
---0000000000-1111-33333---0000000000-1111-333333  X2

Pre Verse: Guitar 1 (Distorted)
------------------------------------------  X4
   *******  *******  *******
Pre Verse: Guitar 2 (Distorted)
---11111111-11111111-22222222------------- X2 starts on 3rd time on guitar 1
   *******  *******  ******* 
Verse: Guitar 1 (Heavy Distortion)
--------------------------------------------  X4
   *******  *******  *******
Verse: Guitar 2
---11111111-11111111-22222222-33443355------  X4
   *******  *******  ******* 
Chorus: Guitar 1 (Heavy Distortion)
---141414141414141414141414-16161616-1717171717171717-1414141414141414-16161616-171717171111111110101010--  X 2
---121212121212121212121212-14141414-1515151515151515-1212121212121212-14141414-15151515 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8--

Chorus: Guitar 2 (Same thing as Intro 2: Guitar 2)

Pre Verse: Guitar 1 & then 2

Verse: Both Guitars

Chorus: Both Guitars

Solo: Guitar 1

-------------------------------------------------------------------------  X2 (~ on 2nd time)

Chorus: Both Guitars (X4 this time)

Thats all of the song & it is a really good song too so plz post
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