Band: Vertical Horizon
Song: Everything You Want
Album: ? (not sure)
Tabber: Benny Downes
Intro (repeats throughout song): this is played with a 0.5 second delay
between each note

two times b4 words come in the play through verses 1 and 2 but on the 3rd
verse go straight to the chorus
Verse 1
Somewhere there's speaking
It's already coming in
Oh and it's rising at the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Now you're here and you don't know why

But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't return

Chorus (guitar 2 on electric plays the chorus chords in bar chord format
everytime the chorus is played)
Am                  Gm
He's everything you want
     Em             Dm
He's everything you need
Am                  Gm
He's everything inside of you
     Em                 Dm
That you wish you could be
Am                    Gm
He says all the right things
   Em          Dm
At exactly the right time
Am                Gm              D            Cm (Let ring)
But he means nothing to you and you don't know why

play this at the end of the chorus in very light distortion prazcticaly
almost clean

Verse 2 play the intro bit for this verse the same as the 1st verse
You're waiting for someone
To put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say

Chorus (guitar 2 on electric plays the chorus chords in bar chord format
everytime the chorus is played)
Am                  Gm
He's everything you want
     Em             Dm
He's everything you need
Am                  Gm
He's everything inside of you
     Em                 Dm
That you wish you could be
Am                    Gm
He says all the right things
   Em          Dm
At exactly the right time
Am                Gm              D            Cm (Let ring)
But he means nothing to you and you don't know why

But you'll just sit tight
And watch it unwind
Em                    D       C
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine
With all of your time
Em                    D       C (let ring)
It's only what you're waiting for

Verse 3 hole band for this part
Out of the island
Into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won't return

for Verse 3 guitar 1 accoustic plays this

guitar 2 eleca plays this ova the top

Guitar Legend:
b = Bend
bh = Bend and Hold
( ) = optional note, listen to the songs tha have this to see when to play
x = muted string
pm = plam mute
/ = slide up
\ = slide down
* = repeat bar if is shown at the end of the bar e.g

* = this also is the simbol to show you what notes are palm muted e.g
    *     *       *   *
and it will alway be shown at the bottem if palm muted
h = hammer on
p = pull off
hp = hammer/pull off
br = Bend then release
+ = natural harmonic ( if you don't know how to play these there is an egsample below of
to place your finger in order to play one
x  x  x  x  +  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
x  x  x  x  +  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
x  x  x  x  +  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
x  x  x  +  +  x  +  x  +  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
x  x  x  +  +  x  +  x  +  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
x  x  x  x  +  x  +  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  +  x  x  x  x  +
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
no when your trying to play a natural harmonice you bassically don't even touch the 
obviously to play the harmonie you need to touch the string but to do it properly
very light touch the string
no natural harmonice are found in the places shown and no where else
there is a + above every bar that has a natural harmonic avaliable to play
which is on the bar below that + where there is not a + there is no natural harmonics
is where the artificial harmonic comes into play. Everywhere there is an x means there is
artificial harmonic avaliable to play
now the way you play an artificial harmonic is you place the end of your thumb right at
very end of your pic and pluck the string with both then end of your thumb and the end
your pic but don't put your hole thumb on the string with the pic otherwise it wont work 
the end of your thumb is needed with the pic and everywhere there is a cross above
bar of every bra on the guitar there is an artificial harmonic avaliable to play but 
24 you can only play ther harmonics at the back fret of 24 not the front
this only applies to guitars that have 24 frets.
anyway that's the tab and I hope you enjoy I hope I have tought you something you may
of known b4 and I am off now cya
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