This band is awesome and I hope you enjoy this song!

This page includes the tab and the Chords w/lyrics.

I've included both Gianni and Ryan's parts along with the song in chord form at the bottom.

As usual, it's best to listen to the song while learning the tab to get a better of idea 
of what's going on.


Intro - Guitar I, Guitar II
Verse 1 - Guitar I, Guitar II
Chorus 1 - Guitar I, Guitar II
Bridge - Guitar I (transcribed from mandolin), Guitar II
Verse 2 - Guitar I, Guitar II
Chorus 2 - Guitar I, Guitar II

Chords over Lyrics


Capo 2 - Sometimes the tab is given in real frets (5th fret = 5th fret) and in others 
it's given in relative frets (5th fret = 3rd fret from capo 2), however you should have a 
capo on the 2nd fret throughout the entire song.
Both guitars use the capo on the 2nd fret.


Guitar I (Gianni)



The "*" and X's at the end refer to when he does a pick scrape and then percussively 
taps the body of the guitar.

Guitar 2 (Ryan)




Guitar 1 (Tabbed relative to capo on 2nd fret for easier understanding)





Note that in the video it looks like he is playing something else, but if you listen 
closely, the above is what he actually plays in the audio mix.

Guitar II (Regular tabbing)






Though I used X's here in the chorus, in reality they are just playing those chords much 
softer than the other strums.

Guitar I (Tabbed relative to 2nd Capo)





Guitar II (Tabbed Relative to Capo 2)






Guitar I (Relative to Capo 2) - Transcribed into guitar from mandolin


Guitar II (Relative to Capo 2)

G (320003@1)   Am (x02210@1)  D (xx0232@1)          G (320003@1)  Am (x02210@1)  D|--3-----------2-----2--------3--------2--| (xx0232@1)|-----3--1--------3----3---------1-----3--|


Guitar I (Relative to Capo 2)





Guitar II (Regular tabbing)





CHORUS 2 - Same as Chorus 1 except Gianni adds in a lick at the end:

Guitar I (Relative to Capo 2)


The bend there is 1/4 step.

CHORDS (Relative to Capo 2)

C (x32010@1)  DYour (xx0232@1)love
Em (022000@1)           C (x32010@1) BmIs (x24432@1)better than ice cream.
Am (x02210@1)        D (xx0232@1)      G (320003@1)            CBetter (x32010@1)than anything else that I've tried
Am (x02210@1)     DOh (xx0232@1)      love
Em (022000@1)           C (x32010@1) BmIs (x24432@1)better than morphine
C (x32010@1)      D (xx0232@1)               CEveryone (x32010@1)here knows how to fly
       Em (022000@1) D (xx0232@1) AmIt's (x02210@1)a long way down
       Em (022000@1) D (xx0232@1) AmIt's (x02210@1)a long way down
       Em (022000@1) DIt's (xx0232@1)a long way
Am (x02210@1)                       CDown (x32010@1)to the place where we started from.
Em (022000@1)G (320003@1)name="chord_x02210@1">Am D (xx0232@1)   G (320003@1)name="chord_x02210@1">Am D (xx0232@1)C (x32010@1)  DYour (xx0232@1)love
Em (022000@1)             C (x32010@1) BmIt's (x24432@1)better than ice cream.
Am (x02210@1)        D (xx0232@1)      G (320003@1)            CBetter (x32010@1)than anything else that I've tried
Am (x02210@1) DYour (xx0232@1)love
Em (022000@1)           C (x32010@1) BmIs (x24432@1)better than morphine
C (x32010@1)      D (xx0232@1)          CEveryone (x32010@1)knows how to fly
       Em (022000@1) D (xx0232@1) AmIt's (x02210@1)a long way down
       Em (022000@1) D (xx0232@1) AmIt's (x02210@1)a long way down
       Em (022000@1) DIt's (xx0232@1)a long way
Am (x02210@1)                       CDown (x32010@1)to the place where we started from.
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