Chorus: Em D C D Em Holy (3x)... is the Lord God Almighty. (repeat) Verse: C Em Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. C Em Heaven and earth are filled with Your Praise. C Em Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. C D Em Holy is the Lord God Almighty. [chorus] (no repeat) [verse] {transition} - Em hammer on E(chord) Chorus: Am G F G Am Holy (3x)... is the Lord God Almighty. Verse: F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Praise. F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. F G Am Holy is the Lord God Almighty. (Repeat line 4x) Bridge 1: F G Am (continue strum pattern from verse) {Don}- Holy is Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come. {Lori}- Holy is Lord God Almighty. (4x) Bridge 2: F G Am {Together}- Holy is Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come (6x) Verse: F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Praise. F Am Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory. F G Am Holy is the Lord God Almighty. (Repeat line 2x) [bridge 1] (4x) [bridge 2] (11x)