A (x02220@1)        ECome (022100@1)right back.
                  ABuy (x02220@1)all that they have.
             EConvenient (022100@1)disguise,
             AWe (x02220@1)distantly laugh

E (022100@1)  
You are eleven.
   A1997. (x02220@1)           EGod (022100@1)is implicit.
                 AYour (x02220@1)luck is consistent.

E (022100@1)             AAnd (x02220@1)no I can not see into the future,
         E (022100@1)             ANo (x02220@1)I cannot breathe underwater.

B (x2444x@1)           ABit (x02220@1)your last word, I
            BCall (x2444x@1)out to you,
               A (x02220@1)               BAEA
This place is vile, and I�m vile too.

E (022100@1)My gal and father,
           AVomit (x02220@1)and water,
               EWe�re (022100@1)not alone here,
              AWe (x02220@1)invent our own fear.
               E (022100@1)AAnd (x02220@1)separately we will see
           E (022100@1)    Achaos (x02220@1)condolence defeat

E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A
            E (022100@1)         AAnd (x02220@1)now in this place,
                E (022100@1)     AYou (x02220@1)talk to my shell
                E (022100@1)     AYou (x02220@1)keep double wides
               E (022100@1)      AYou (x02220@1)dream in motels
                 EAnd (022100@1)my words are ugly,
               AAnd (x02220@1)you can�t discern me,
             EGod�s (022100@1)buried under,
             AYour (x02220@1)damaged wonder
            E (022100@1)              AAnd (x02220@1)no I cannot see into the future,
         E (022100@1)              ANo (x02220@1)I cannot breathe underwater.

B (x2444x@1)              A (x02220@1)                  BWith (x2444x@1)sabers and sticks, we'll run to our peace
          A (x02220@1)                  B (x2444x@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A
Kept undisclosed and told of a memory.

A (x02220@1)          EAnd (022100@1)in this dejection, 
             ALives (x02220@1)a connection
                  ETattoo (022100@1)your vain silence
             AAnd (x02220@1)all my resistence,
                    E (022100@1)          AWe�ll (x02220@1)cut our hands agape and manifest
                 E (022100@1)             ACompassion (x02220@1)we'll lose with time and test.

E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A E
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