Verse 1 
                D                             G         D 
    With our lips let us sing one confession 
                D                                  A 
    With our hearts hold to one truth alone 
          D                       G           D 
    For He has erased our transgression 
      D                     A                   A7                  D 
    Claimed us and called us His own, His very own 
                       D                  G       A                    D 
      **  We're the people of God, called by His name 
            Bm                     Em               A                   D 
        Called from the dark and delivered from shame 
           D                G     A                D 
        One holy race, saints everyone 
               Bm                  Em       A        A7        D 
        Because of the blood of Christ Jesus, the Son  
Verse 2 
D                         G       D 
    Hear us, O spirits of darkness 
     D                                       A 
    So you will know where we stand 
     D                         G                   D 
    We are His servants purchased with scars 
     D                                  A 
    Bought by the blood of the Lamb 
              A7               D 
    The blood of the Lamb   **
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