13 Wuensche
We Butter the Bread with Butter
Guitar Drop Bb Tuning: Bb-F-Bb-Eb-G-C (low to high)

SYNTH 0:00
||--------------------------------------13~---------------------20~-|
||-17	~--------------------------------------------------------------|

Rhythm Guitar 0:14
||-6666-6-6--6666-6-6--6666-6-6-6--6-6-6--6666-6-6-6-6---1-1-8-8--6-6--6-6--5-5-5-5555-5-|| 2x
   ....      ....      ....               ....             . .                . . . .... 
Rhythm Guitar 0:34
                     . .
SYNTH 0:34
||------------------| 3x

Rhythm Guitar 0:47
||-6----------------1----------------2----------------1--------5--__3__--|| (triplets)
      . .  ........    . .  ........    . .  ........    .  .     . . .
           . .  ........          . .  ........
           . .  ........          . .  ........

SYNTH 0:47
||--------------------------------------13~---------------------20~-|
||-17	~--------------------------------------------------------------|

Rhythm Guitar 1:16
Rhythm Guitar 1:22

      ........     ........     ........     ........

Rhythm Guitar 1:50
||-8--6-7-8-7--6-(b9)8-7-8--|| ?x
   .  . . . .  . . . . .
Rhythm Guitar 2:21

|2222222222222222222222222222222255555555555555558888888888888888-|| 2x (tremolo picking)

SYNTH 2:21

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| (fade)
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