Tuning - D Tuning (whole-step down from standard)
Notes in parentheses (2) are ghost notes/implied notes.
Adam Thompson places his fingers on these notes although
they are not purposefully plucked or strummed.

Hey guys, this is my first tab on here, it may be a bit
lengthy, but it?s the most accurate way to show the entire
tab. The album version of this song is played tuned a
whole-step down from standard tuning, however, in some
live recordings and performances it is played just like
this in standard tuning. Good luck learning and playing,
and let me know of any correction.


I lost my crown, when it hit the ground, with an almighty thud...

I went to pick it up...

But revealed my weaknesses to the crowd...


And I lost my home, when I lost my throne...

To a successor...

With far more expansive plans, than I ever did...

I abdicated...

You?re the last thing I want...


I?d love to stay here...


You?re the last thing I want...


I?d love to live here...


I sat in my castle, and I waited on news, from one final battle, that we couldn?t afford to lose...

And I whispered suddenly...

My greatest fears to anyone who would hear...


You?re the last thing I want...


I?d love to stay here...


You?re the last thing I want...


I?d going to stay here...



















(continue until fade out...)
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