Throw Down The Sword - Wishbone Ash Chords: G 320003 Amx02210 (x02210@1) Cx32010 (x32010@1) Dxx0232 (xx0232@1) F133211 (133211@1) Gsus4 320013 or 330013 C/Bx20010 (x2555x@1) Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Throw down the sword, the fight is done and over. F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) Gsus4- (3x0013@1)G (320003@1) Neither lost, neither won. F (133211@1) G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) C (x32010@1)name="chord_x2555x@1">C/B There were times when i stood at death's own door Am (x02210@1) G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Only hoping for an answer. Repeat the verse and chorus chords for the solo --SwiftZeppelin96--