G (320003@1) D/F# (200232@1) Em (022000@1) D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) Eb (x43121@3) Gm/Bb Eb (x43121@3) (D) orange and lemons.... repeat....second time (d) gets replaced with (A) into the chorus chorus: D6 (xx04xx@1) Bm7 (x20202@1)Am7 (x02010@1) G (320003@1) Bbm6 (x13023@1)C#dimBallad (3423xx@1)for a rainy day.....silent...... 2nd Chorus ending: (after C#dim) D6 (xx04xx@1) F6 (15xxxx@1) Gm/Bb Am7D7sus2 (x02010@1) (G into piano thing) out and through my window...... slow descending...... Bridge: C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) Bbm (x13321@1) F# (244322@1) B (x2444x@1) F# (244322@1) G#m (133111@4)E(times (022100@1)2, then) when it rains it rains........ (majestic Aadd9) ALL THE ROOFTOPS...... listen tot he song for the repeats and the put togethers. sounds better on pianer if you ask me.