Song: A Fall Farewell
Artist: Zao
Album: Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Tuning: Drop C

~ - let ring out
- - palm mute
b - bended slightly

There are other tabs to this song, but they're either wrong, based on live performace instead of the record, badly
done, or have a miss spelling in the name. I'm sure that this is almost 100% correct, there might be a few parts
that are slightly off, but if there are (which I don't think there are any) you can probably figure it out without
a correct tab.

I did not base this on the other tabs, I did this all by myself.


Both guitars:
|--------8-8-8-7-7-7-8-8--------8-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-10-10----|   (Those are 10s)
|-0------x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-0------x-x-x-x-x-x--x--x--x--x--x-----|   (Repeat until about 00:29)

1st guitar:
|-8-8-8-5---| (x4, ends at 00:35 or so)

2nd guitar comes in after that repeats twice with this:
|-15-15-15-14-----| (x2, ends at 00:35 as well)       

The 2nd guitar plays tihsl ittle bit just before it gets to the next part:
|------------| (ends 00:37)

Both guitars:
|---------7---| (x3)


Both guitars:

|---------12b--| (x3)


Repeat whole verse, but on the last chord, the second guitar plays (x13x15xx) instead of (x15x17xx)


|---------13-13-13--| (repeat x4)



1st guitar:
|-0--0-0-3b-5-0-0-0-0-3-5-|  (repeat until 1:40)

2nd guitar comes in with a bit of feedback, then both guitars play this:

|-0--0-0-3b-5-0-0-0-0-3-5-|   (Repeat until about 2:05, then...)


Do a little scrape/slide on one of the strings, then play the intro, but when repeating it the second guitar plays this:


After that, both guitars play:

|-x--x---x--x----| (repeat 2:34)

and end on:


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Corrections? Suggestions? Whatever, email
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