The original version (chords listed without parenthesis) was too hard on my barring finger so I play the song with modified chords (parenthesis version). I think it still sounds pretty close and is easier to play for extended periods. Enjoy! F Bb (E A) I see heaven, invading this place, I see angels, Praising Your Holy Name And I sing praises, I sing praises, I give You honor, Worthy Jesus I see Glory, Falling in this place I see hope restored, healing of all disease We give You Praise, and all of the Honor You are our God, the one we live for We give You Praise, and all of the Glory God Gm F Bb F C Gm (F E A E B) Let Your Presence fill this place, Let heaven come Let Your angels be released, Let Heaven come We will worship at Your feet, Let Heaven come Face to face we want to meet, Let Heaven come