Abbesses Bass Tab by Birdy Nam Nam tabs | tabbed by SmokingKills-Ed | comments (1) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report Abbesses Bass Tabat   + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help Abbesses bass tab by Birdy Nam Nam, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to Abbesses Add to favourites Difficulty: novice tf_artist = "Birdy Nam Nam"; tf_song = "Abbesses"; Je pense avoir trouv? le d?but du riff de basse : riff G |-----------------------------------------------------------------| D |-----------------------------------------------------------------| A |-----------------------------------------------------------------| E |--14-1414-1414-10-1010-1010-9-99-99--1717171716161616------------| Let's rock ;) by Edward - Smoking Kills Bassist. Birdy Nam Nam : French Electro Band tf_artist = "Birdy Nam Nam"; tf_song = "Abbesses";