***CAPO 1*** RHETT&LINK CHank (x32010@1)do you remember when all of Georgia fled Fthat (133211@1)flood that left thousands homeless and seven dead GBut (320003@1)while those people drowned and their houses went adrift G (320003@1) CThe (x32010@1)news was all about Kanye west....and Taylor swift HANK CRHETT&LINK, (x32010@1)where I really see the news media failin Fevery (133211@1)time anyone mentions...Sarah Palin GThey (320003@1)dispatch a dozen camera crews every time she poos G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) While I can't escape the feeling she's just not news RHETT & LINK CAnd (x32010@1)the swine flu, while a killer, got more love than it needed FKilling (133211@1)4,000 people while the normal flu, unheeded GKills (320003@1)60,000 people year in and year out G (320003@1) CPeople (x32010@1)like to have something to freak out about HANK CAnd (x32010@1)what about Michael Phelps marijuana scandal FJust (133211@1)one picture and the media flew off their handle GHe (320003@1)did the exact same thing as our last three presidents G (320003@1) CI (x32010@1)don't think our priorities make much sense ALL F (133211@1) CSo (x32010@1)Many important things happened this year friend G (320003@1) CIran's (x32010@1)Election and Mass Recession and Obama sworn in F (133211@1) CBut (x32010@1)to us the things on cable news seem so freaking dumb G (320003@1) CR&L: (x32010@1)And we can only hope that we're not the only ones G (320003@1) CHank: (x32010@1)yes, we can only hope that we're not the only ones. HANK CI (x32010@1)don't think the crappy news gets any better than FThe (133211@1)scandals of Tiger Woods and David Letterman GIt (320003@1)turns out rich guys cheat on their wives G (320003@1) CThat (x32010@1)wasn't news in the year twenty five RHETT&LINK CAnd (x32010@1)one of the biggest stories of the whole entire year FIs (133211@1)that Susan Boyle could sing and bring an audience to tears GWith (320003@1)all the pretty people auto-tuned, we forgot G (320003@1) CYou (x32010@1)don't have to be hot to The talent Britain's got HANK CAnd (x32010@1)I still laugh any time I see some poor braggart FProudly (133211@1)holding up a sign proclaiming he's a tea bagger GBesides (320003@1)any confusion about the revolution G (320003@1) CI (x32010@1)think no matter what they mean the news was an illusion ALL F (133211@1) CSo (x32010@1)Many important things happened this year friend G (320003@1) CIran's (x32010@1)Election and Mass Recession and Obama sworn in F (133211@1) CBut (x32010@1)to us the things on cable news seem so freaking dumb G (320003@1) CR&L: (x32010@1)And we can only hope that we're not the only ones G (320003@1) CHank: (x32010@1)yes, we can only hope that we're not the only ones. CHANK: (x32010@1)And I think we three can all agree, the biggest load of poo FR&L: (133211@1)Was that balloon boy falcon who was not in the balloon GHANK: (320003@1)Just another year where we kept the world alive G (320003@1) CR&L: (x32010@1)We didn't pay attention but we somehow didn't die ALL F (133211@1) CSo (x32010@1)Many important things happened this year friend G (320003@1) CIran's (x32010@1)Election and Mass Recession and Obama sworn in F (133211@1) CBut (x32010@1)to us the things on cable news seem so freaking dumb G (320003@1) CAll: (x32010@1)And we can only hope that we're not the only ones G (320003@1) CAll: (x32010@1)yes, we can only hope that we're not the only ones. G (320003@1)But since they're still reporting it...we just might be Cthe (x32010@1)only ones. Nerdfighters, much...?