GRACIE [ Cm (same as C-), Fm, G, Cm ] Cm Gracie, Gracie Fm YouŽre just as drunk as me Cm Gracie, Gracie G7 Cm WeŽre heading for the deep blue sea Cm IŽve never possessed any weapons Fm Except for lack of disciplin Cm By the time the bottle gets me G7 Cm The demonŽs already moved right in Cm Gracie, Gracie Fm YouŽre just as drunk as me Cm Gracie, Gracie G7 Cm WeŽre heading for the deep blue sea Cm IŽm tired of feeling nauseous Fm IŽll never get drunk no more Cm By the time the daylight gets me G7 Cm IŽm sleepinŽ by your door Cm Gracie, Gracie Fm YouŽre just as drunk as me Cm Gracie, Gracie G7 Cm WeŽre heading for the deep blue sea Cm IŽll live my life in some ballroom Fm ThatŽs where IŽll learn to think Cm Less than IŽll remember G7 I pawn my GracieŽs diamond ring Cm Oh, Gracie, Gracie Fm YouŽre just as drunk as me Cm Gracie, Gracie G7 Cm WeŽre heading for the deep blue sea Cm Gracie, Gracie Fm YouŽre just as drunk as me Cm Gracie, Gracie G Fm Cm (Bm Cm) IŽm heading for the deep blue sea