Jambi Cafe - The Uncluded as transcribed by Seth Hanson (sethhanson@outlook.com) G (320003@1) CI (x32010@1)wish that your headaches would subside my friend G (320003@1) DAnd (xx0232@1)your healing isn't just a case of double contact lense G (320003@1) CI've (x32010@1)got my name down for a table at the Jambi Cafe so I can G (320003@1) DMekaLekaHineyHo (xx0232@1)all of your pain away. C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I am outside D's Variety, I'm up on the brick wall. C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) Cand (x32010@1)It's the first time that this tongue of mine has licked a fireball. C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) CI (x32010@1)close my eyes and feel the burn and say "Yeah, bring it on." C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1)I feel weak but I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm strong. C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1)I feel weak but I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm strong. (repeat A and B chord progession under rapping verse) I heard you ate shit at the skate ramp, Two left feet watering a face plant, ah dude, you know that "Skate or Die" is just a term, the latter half is fully independent of the first. Still, I get it , you were curbside, sentenced to observe from the low-risk prison of a sedentary perch. All jittery, vault triggering your inner tomboy, Timidly slipping into the military convoy. Dang, loose trucks aim for the funbox, Juiced up, cruising over urethane gum drops. You hit the kicker warp speed yelling "Punk rock!" Turns out plywood is not a fan of tough talk, oof. Cued up a slow-mo heav-ho, everybody staring at the airborn freakshow. Scraped knees and a very bruised ego. You're a good kid just a goofy Knieval. The good news is it really doesn't matter, the other good news is an apple Jolly Rancher, and it won't heal wounds, but it will heal moods, and it's sweet, and it's sour, and it's green, and it rules. You can't do much so the cut won't sting, but you can make a couple taste buds go Z-Z-Z-ZING! You can't do much so the cut won't sting, but you can make a couple taste buds go ZIGGA-ZIGGA-ZING! G (320003@1) CIf (x32010@1)you got bit by a viper from the Amazon, G (320003@1) DI (xx0232@1)would sneak by dad's X-ACTO and cut Xs in your arms. G (320003@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I would suck out all the venom causing chaos and confusion G (320003@1) Dand (xx0232@1)replace that shit with a Swiss Miss and Ovaltine tranfusion. C (x32010@1) DAnd (xx0232@1)I am on the stoop at Joe's, G (320003@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I am just a little kid. C (x32010@1) DAnd (xx0232@1)it's the first time that this tongue of mine G (320003@1) Cgives (x32010@1)a blue razz a lick. C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) CAnd (x32010@1)all that I can say is "Holy shit! Guys what is this?!" C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) GWhat (320003@1)could I have done to deserve such awesomeness? C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) GWhat (320003@1)could I have done to deserve such awesomeness?