----------------------------------------------------------------------- SOMETHING HAPPENED -Pete Donnelly / The Figgs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: TCurley5 Email:tcurley5@charter.net INTR0: F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) F(2 times) E|--x-----x---x--x---x--x----x----x---x---x----x--x---x--x--x--| B|--1-----1---1--1---x--3----3----3---3---3----3--3---1--3--1--| G|--2--0--2---0--2---2--3----3----2---2---3----2--3---2--3--2--| D|--3-----3---3--3---3--3----3----3---3---3----3--3---3--3--3--| A|--3-----3---3--3---x--1----1----1---1---1----1--1---3-----3--| E|--1-----1--(0)--------------------------------------1-----1--| Gm7 C6(1) (03221x@1) F6(1) (15xxxx@1)E|---5--------5---3----5----------5--s-3-------(10) (ring)-| B|------6-----------5-----6---------------(3)----10---------| G|---------7------------------7------------------10---------| D|-----------------------------------------------10---------| A|----------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------| VERSE1: No/Chord (Dm9) Dm7 Bbmaj7 (x13231@1) FThere (133211@1)was a dive at the end of the street, wanted a drink before we go eat. Dm9 (xx0210@1) Dm7 Bbmaj7 (x13231@1) FWent (133211@1)& found ourselves another bar, a few steps it really wasnt far. CHORUS: (Intro Chording/Picking) F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) Bb (x1333x@1)FSomething (133211@1)Happened to me today, I wondered if you want me to stay. F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) FSweeter (133211@1)than my words, they could say. I looked into your eyes anyway Gm7 C6 (03221x@1) F6(1) ay. VERSE 2: (Held F6(1) Dm9 (xx0210@1) Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) FBb Fmaj7Held (1x3210@1)a bottle between my thumbs. The radio was at a dull hum. Dm9 (xx0210@1) Dm7 Bbmj7 And legs crossed they were touching mine. Simple thing never felt so fine. CHORUS: Something Happened to me today, I wondered if you d want me to stay. Sweeter than my words, they could say. I looked into your eyes anyway ??" ay. (Back up vocals chant: something happened, something happened) INSTRUMENTAL: (keyboard) ac g (355333@1)a (x02210@1)b(flat) a (x02210@1)g (355333@1)f (133111@1) ac g (355333@1)a (x02210@1)b(flat) g (355333@1)f (133111@1)ed (022000@1)f d c a g f g d f d c a g(not perfect) MIDDLE 8: Bb (x1333x@1) F (133211@1) Bb (x1333x@1) FSlow (133211@1)danced all around the road. It came down in such a way it flowed. Dm (xx0231@1) G (320003@1) Gm (355333@1) C (x32010@1) (Lick) FSweet (133211@1)taste still in my mouth, on the turnpike drivin south. VERSE 3: (See variations) Dm9 (xx0210@1) Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) Bmaj7F6 F (133211@1)For a second there I needed to shout. Was almost home when I nodded out Dm9 (xx0210@1) Dm7 Bbmaj7 (x13231@1) F (133211@1)I thought how was I gonna do, to have a chance with someone like you. ENDING: Repeat Chorus TWICE: (Back up vocals chant:something happened, something happened.) Song Ends: With F chord (da-da-da-da) Some very tasty chord substitutions/variations. F6 (15xxxx@1) Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) Dm (xx0231@1) Dm7 Dm9 (xx0210@1) Gm7 C6(1) F6(1) Bbmaj9 (x10211@1)Bbmaj7 (x13231@1)E|---1------x------1---1-----0-----3------5------x------(0)------1---| B|---3------x------3---1-----1-----3------5------6-------1-------3---| G|---2------5------2---2-----2-----3------5------5-------2-------2---| D|---3------7------0---0-----0-----3------5------7-------0-------3---| A|----------8------x---x----(0)----5------3------5-------1-------1---| E|---------(5)-----x---x-----x-----3------x------x-------1-------x---| Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 E|----x------5----------------------------------------------| B|----x------6----------------------------------------------| G|----2------7----------------------------------------------| D|----3------8----------------------------------------------| A|----1------x----------------------------------------------| E|----1------x----------------------------------------------| Lick E|--8--10-s-/-12--12-s--11-s--10---8--| B|---------------------------------------| G|--9--10-s-/-12--12-s--11-s--10---9--| D|---------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------| The Figgs are the greatest band you never heard of. 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