----------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOK AT HER (Shes Walking Away) Mike Gent / The Figgs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From The Figgs CD, ((PALAIS)) 2004 Sodapop Records. Tabbed by:TCurley5 Email:tcurley5@charter.net This is pretty much a keyboard song. Guitar kicks in on the chorus. It is pretty advanced as recorded. This is a very nice composition; somewhat Beatle-ish. Especially the throbbing beat during the CHORUS. Its a cool and humorous song. INTR0: F/ (133211@1)/ / / / / / VERSE1: C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) Fmaj7The (1x3210@1)first time you said, I adore you; C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) AbAb7 Didnt know for a fact, she would ignore you. C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) Had to ask, and wait for attention; C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) AbAb7 Didnt write a review, not even a mention. F(guitar) F (133211@1)FF s/G G (320003@1) G (320003@1) G+ She s on her own. No one can own her CHORUS: F (133211@1) F (133211@1)F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) G (320003@1) G (320003@1)G (320003@1) G (320003@1) G (320003@1) G (320003@1) Look At Her She s Walking Away, Look At Her She s Walking Away, F (133211@1) F (133211@1)F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) F (133211@1) G (320003@1) G+ (G augmented) Look at her, she s walking away from you. VERSE 2: C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) etc. Men from her past, tell you, Stay Clear. Swaying her ass, whisperin in your ear. Talkin to ones, who tried to grab at Something thats there, and you dont have. F (133211@1) F (133211@1)F (133211@1) F (133211@1) G (320003@1) G (320003@1) G+ Youre on your knees, beggin ple-eas-se.. REPEAT CHORUS twice: INTERLUDE: Timing change speeds up into Ragtime flavor. Mostly piano (Guitar translation) E|---------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-------4-5-4-5-4-5-4-------4-5-4-5-4-5-4--------3-4-3-4| G|----------------5-2-----------------5-2-----------------5-2----------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------| (Then 4x on the beat) (3-4-3-4 etc, repeats 6 times.) GG GG G+ E|------------------------------------------------------|-x-x-x-x--3--| B|-3-4-3-------3-4-3-4-3-4-3------3-4-3-4-3-4-3---------|-3-3-3-3--4--| G|--------5-2----------------5-2-----------------5-2----|-4-4-4-4--4--| D|------------------------------------------------------|-5-5-5-5--5--| A|------------------------------------------------------|-5-5-5-5--x--| E|------------------------------------------------------|-3-3-3-3--x--| Shes walkin a - wa-ay-ay-ay-ay- y- y Shes walkin a - wa-ay-ay-ay-ay- y- y ENDING: Timing Slows down. Starts with solo piano -single notes. E|------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------| G|--7--5--4--2----7--5--4------7--5--4--2----7--5--4----| D|-7-------------7------------7-------------7-----------| A|------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------| [spoken] Watch her walk More than (1) piano part. CHORUS chording. Repeats until END. (F) F (133211@1)F (133211@1)F (133211@1) F (133211@1)F (133211@1)F (133211@1)F(G) (133211@1) G (320003@1)G (320003@1)G (320003@1) G (320003@1)G (320003@1)G (320003@1)(G+) E|-----------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------| G|--7--5--4--2----7--5--4------7--5--4--2----7--5--4--(2)----| D|-7-------------7------------7-------------7------------(5)-| A|-----------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------| CHORUS: F (133211@1) GLook (320003@1)At Her Shes Walking Away, Look At Her Shes Walking Away, F (133211@1) GLook (320003@1)at her shes walking away from you/(Look. . .) Look at her shes walking away, Look At Her Shes Walking Away from you Look at her shes walking away, Look At Her Shes Walking Away from you Look At Her Shes Walking Away, Look At Her Shes Walking Away, (VOCALS BEGIN IN ROUNDS): F (133211@1) Look At Her Shes Walking Away, G (320003@1) (F) Look At Her Shes Walking Away, (Shes walkin a - wa-ay-ay-ay-ay- y- y) FLook (133211@1)At Her Shes Walking Away, G (320003@1) (F) Look At Her Shes Walking Away, (Shes walkin a - wa-ay-ay-ay-ay- y- y) REPEAT AND FADE: Learn to play "The Figgs" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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