The Doctor's Wife Verse 1 Doctor: Am (x02210@1) Monday the twenty-sixth of March Bb (x1333x@1) Dm (xx0231@1) F (133211@1) AmThe (x02210@1)patient's passing seizures are becoming more pronounced by the day AmThe (x02210@1)underlying cause Bb (x1333x@1) Dm (xx0231@1) F (133211@1) AmSeems (x02210@1)to be some slow progressive decay AmIf (x02210@1)I don't find a cure Bb (x1333x@1) Dm (xx0231@1) F (133211@1) AmI (x02210@1)fear my patient must surely fade away C (x32010@1) C#mBut (x13321@4)I swear I'll apply my science C (x32010@1) C#mTo (x13321@4)the cause, brooking no defiance C (x32010@1) C#m (x13321@4) I'll deliver her from this malady D (xx0232@1) AbShe'll (xx1114@1)dance again Eb (x43121@3) EmAnd (022000@1)I'll never forget when we first were courting Eb (x43121@3) EmAnd (022000@1)she faced me, and her eyes were gleaming Eb (x43121@3) EmIn (022000@1)the moonlight, and she spoke so sweetly Chorus Wife: F (133211@1) AmDon't (x02210@1)let me go, my darling F (133211@1) AmHold (x02210@1)me safely 'til the morning F (133211@1) AmPromise, (x02210@1)when the lights are fading F (133211@1) AmYou'll (x02210@1)save me. DOCTOR Tuesday the seventeenth of May A worrying symptom has reared its head this week She's been bed bound for a month And now the patient is no longer able to speak She tries to utter sounds But the grip of the illness is strong and the patient is weak On the bed, in a cold sweat Like a corpse, but she'll live yet When I find the cure, I can surely promise She'll laugh again As she did on our wedding day When we danced, and laughed the world away Even now I can hear her say WIFE Don't let me go... DOCTOR Sunday the twenty-third of June The patient no longer responds to stimuli of any kind She's now my only charge I clothe her and feed her, and nightly I read by her side For though she's paralyzed I know that inside there must still be a functioning mind Neatly laid on the bed sheet I can still hear her fading heart-beat I'll keep her stable and continue my research She'll smile again And I must bring her back to me In her eyes I can see the gleam In my mind I can hear her pleading WIFE Don't let me go... DOCTOR Tuesday the eighteenth of July My latest apparatus is the only thing that's keeping her alive I had to stop her heart The mechanical replacement will ensure the other organs will survive Her body is destroyed But what nature has neglected the fruit of modern science shall provide And I've broken every code of practice But for my love I'd shift the planet's axis She'll return to me when she's been repaired She'll live again And I swear I can see the gleam In her eyes amidst the new machines And at night I can hear her whisper WIFE Don't let me go... Tabs too difficult? Try these easy step-by-step video lessons and learn fast! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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