this song is designed and written on a 7 string, i do not own a 7 string so this is my attempt at playing the song on a 6 string, tuning is drop A, I used "i" to separate the different sections,this is my first tab. *haven't got the whole song yet will update or put out new tab has I figure it out, please leave any ideas or corrections in the comments so we can make this has accurate has possible for those who lack a 7 string. *tremlo* ( B ]i-----------------------i--- ---------------------------------------------| F#]i-----------------------i--- ---------------------------------------------| D ]i-----------------------i--- ------------------7--------------------------| A ]i-8-7-5-4-8-7-4-4-3-1---i x2 -----8---7---5/4-5------8-7-5-4--------------| E ]i-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-1-1-1---i--- ---------------------------------------------| A ]i-5-5-5-0-4-4-4-1-1-1---i -5-5---5---5---------------------------------| chords at the start then the first awesome guitar part B ]----------------------------i---------------------------------------| F#]----------------------------i---------------------------------------| D ]------------------7-----7-8-i---------------------------------------| A ]-----8--7--5/4-5----8-7-----i---x2-------8-7-5--5-4-5-7-5-4-8-7-5-4-| E ]----------------------------i---------------------------------------| A ]-5-5--5--5------------------i---------------------------------------|