Duster is an awesome Slowcore/Space Rock band from San Jose, CA. I couldn't find any tabs on here so I decided to make my own because their songs are very chill to play. Both guitar parts are tuned to standard with a capo on 3rd. Guitar 1 Part 1 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E||----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| B||----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| G||--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----| D||--2----2----2----2----|--2----2----2----2----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----| A||--3----3----3----3----|--0----0----0----0----|--2----2----2----2----|--2----2----2----2----| E||----------------------|----------------------|--3----3----3----3----|--3----3----3----3----| Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| --0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----| --2----2----2----2----|--2----2----2----2----|--0----0----0----0----|--0----0----0----0----| --3----3----3----3----|--0----0----0----0----|--2----2----2----2----|--2----2----2----2----| ----------------------|----------------------|--3----3----3----3----|--3----3----3----3----| Part 2 - "Damn, I wish I was..." Q Q Q Q Q Q H Q Q Q Q Q Q H ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|---------------------| ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|---------------------| ------------5---------|------------3--------|------------5---------|------------3--------| -------3---------3----|-------1-------------|-------3---------3----|-------1-------------| --5-------------------|--3------------------|--5-------------------|--3------------------| ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|---------------------| Q Q Q Q Q Q H Q Q Q Q Q Q E (022100@1)E (022100@1)E (022100@1)S S ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-------------------------| ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-------------------------| ------------5---------|------------3--------|------------5---------|--3----3----3--3--3--3-0-| -------3---------3----|-------1-------------|-------3---------3----|--1----1----1--1--1--1-2-| --5-------------------|--3------------------|--5-------------------|--3----3----3--3--3--3-3-| ----------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-------------------------| Then back to Part 1. Guitar 2 - Just play and repeat this over Part 1 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q W H Q E (022100@1) E (022100@1) E||----------------------|----------------------|-------------------|-----------------------| B||----------------------|----------------------|-------------------|-----------------------| G||-------0--------------|-------0--------------|-------------------|-----------------------| D||--2---------2----0----|----------------------|-------------------|-----------------------| A||----------------------|--0---------3----5----|--2----------------|--L-------------3S--5--| E||----------------------|----------------------|-------------------|-----------3-----------| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole H - half Q - quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - note dotted |-n-| - n-tuplets Tablature Legend ---------------- L - tied note x - dead note g - grace note (n) - ghost note > - accentuded note NH - natural harmonic AH - artificial harmonic TH - tapped harmonic SH - semi harmonic PH - pitch harmonic h - hammer on p - pull off b - bend br - bendRelease pb - preBend pbr - preBendRelease brb - bendReleaseBend n/ - tremolo bar dip n - tremolo bar dive -/n - tremolo bar Release up /n - tremolo bar inverted dip /n - tremolo bar return -n - tremolo bar Release down S - shift slide s - legato slide / - slide into from below or out of upwards - slide into from above or out of downwards ~ - vibrato W - wide vibrato tr - trill TP - tremolo picking T - tapping S - slap P - pop < - fade in ^ - brush up v - brush down Can't play "The Breakup Suite"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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