Key: E VERSE 1 E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) B (x2444x@1) EIt’s (022100@1)been a real hard couple of months, you had enough (mm hmm) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4)C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) BE But it’s been hard for everyone, you’re not alone, (uh uh) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) B (x2444x@1) EYou’ve (022100@1)been hurting way too long, let it go and just move on E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) B (x2444x@1) EMake (022100@1)your way down to the altar, hand it over and leave it there BRIDGE E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4)C#mIt’s (x13321@4)gonna be alright (it’s gonna be alright) G#m (133111@4) B (x2444x@1) EIt’s (022100@1)gonna be alright (it’s gonna be alright) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4)C#mIt’s (x13321@4)gonna be alright (it’s gonna be alright) G#m (133111@4) B (x2444x@1) EIt’s (022100@1)gonna be alright (it’s gonna be alright) CHORUS E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) BE So everything that you’ve been worried about (put it on the altar) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) BE You need him to work it out, he'll work it out yeah (put it on the altar) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) BE All of your burdens just bring them all down and (put it on the altar) E (022100@1) G#mC#m G#m (133111@4) BE You’re gonna get an answer to your prayer, If you (put it on the altar) VERSE 2 I know you need a healing (yeah) you sick of being sick, you need relief You're tired of the pressure (yeah) You got all this stress and you need some peace Come on and get your breakthrough (breakthrough) Or haven’t you been suffering long enough? Make your way down to the altar, hand it over, leave it there REFRAIN E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#mOh (133111@4)(oh yes you'll get an answer) B (x2444x@1) EYou'll (022100@1)get an answer (answer from the lord) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#m (x13321@4) G#mOh (133111@4)yes (oh yes you'll get an answer) B (x2444x@1) EYou'll (022100@1)get an answer (answer from the lord) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#mG#m BE So you need to put it on, put it on, put it on (put it on the altar) E (022100@1) G#m (133111@4) C#mG#m BE So you need to put it on, put it on, put it on (put it on the altar) EG#m C#m (x13321@4) G#m (133111@4) BE Oh prayer (oh prayer) changes (changes things) EG#m C#mG#m BE see I know it does (oh prayer changes things) EG#m C#mG#m BE So take it to the lord in prayer (prayer changes things) E (022100@1)G#mC#m G#m (133111@4) BE Ask him anything you want cause (prayer changes things) VERSE 3 Listen, you've been worrying and crying Crying and worrying But you’re not alone, you’re not alone no See you have a friend in Jesus, and he knows all about it And he's gonna do what he promised you 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 E (022100@1) G#m| (133111@4)C#mG#m | G#mB | E (022100@1)The same chord progression throughout the entire song. 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