The Bobcat Walk Jeff Kagan and Paige Doughty, Boulder CO (Capo 4) No Chord -- Just Rhythm Producers are collecting the sunlight Consumers are feeding on plants But Bobcat consume the consumers A Colorado dietary dance They say he is at the top of the food chain So Rabbits and Rodents beware That ravenous carnivorous Felix Rufus is standing right over there Bobcat Walk Chord Progression -- [Am] [Bm] [B#m] Chorus Oh what is he doing Jeff Bobcat Walk: [Am] [Bm] [B#m] (x4) Huracka Huracaka the Bobcat walk [Am] Very rare that you will [G] see him [F] Doing the bobcat [Em] walk Huracka [Am] Wouldn’t you like to [G] be him [F] Doing the Bobcat [Em] Walk [F] Don’t be surprised if [G] your little eyes [C] Never [Cmaj9/E] happen to [Am] meet him [F] But if I do, heh I’m telling [G] you [C] A wonderful [Cmaj9/E] way you can [Am] greet him [F] It’s quite a shock, [Em] the Bobcat walk Bobcat Walk: [Am] [Bm] [B#m] (x2) Huracka Huracaka the Bobcat walk [Am] Their name is there on the [G] checklist [F] He was talking like a bobcat [Em] talks, meow [Am] He ate a Rabbit for [G] breakfast [F] He was stalking like a Bobcat [Em] stalks [F] Don’t be surprised if your [G] little eyes [C] See him [Cmaj9/E] up in the [Am] branches [F] He is just resting his [G] kitten paws [C] After so many [Cmaj9/E] bobcat [Am] dances [F] He is the coolest cat on the [Em] block, the Bobcat Walk Bobcat Walk: [Am] [Bm] [B#m] (x2) Huracka Huracaka the Bobcat walk [Am] Meow, meow, meow, [G] meow [F] Meow, meow, meow [Em] [Am] Meow, meow, meow, [G] meow [F] Meow, meow, meow [Em] [Am] Huracka Huracaka [Em] the Bobcat walk Bobcat Walk: [Am] [Bm] [B#m] (x2) [F] But if I do, heh I’m [G] telling you [C] A wonderful [Cmaj9/E] way you can [Am] greet him [F] Huracka Huracaka [Em] the Bobcat walk Bobcat Walk: [Am] [Bm] [B#m] (x2) [Cmaj9/E] = 020010 Tabs too difficult? 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