------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organs - The Uncluded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: toiletocean E-mail: cauldroncakes@live.co.uk Tuning: standard Repeat throughout- C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) Fe|-------------------------------------------------------| (133211@1)B|----------------------------------------1--------------| G|-------0---------------------0--------2---2------------| D|-----2---2--------0--------2---2----3------------------| A|---3------------2---2----3-----------------------------| E|--------------3----------------------------------------| C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Ce|-------------------------------------------------------| (x32010@1)B|-------------------------------------------------------| G|-------0---------------------0-------------------------| D|-----2---2--------0--------2---2-----------------------| A|---3------------2---2----3-------3---------------------| E|--------------3----------------------------------------| It's important to give away your pieces In the detail surrounding your death There will always be a need for the pieces you are made of You may one day need a few pieces yourself Jen stood at the finish line And waited for Dylan to cross Then she rested her head on the young boy's chest That held the heart of the little girl she'd lost Outside of the influential arms of your idolatries The object will be turning goodbyes into good biology There will be a DOA who has some parts that seem okay Coinciding with someone you know that needs a piece replaced And we will stand around the corpse, fishing in a well of ribs Treasure hunting just before they show you where the devil is Nobody is judging you to vilify the guilty I will cut and dry, be leaving with your kidney It's important to give away your pieces In the detail surrounding your death There will always be a need for the pieces you are made of You may one day need a few pieces yourself Turtle gave its shell to the Crab who gave its eyes to the Bird who gave its wings to the bat The bat gave its sonar to the Dolphin who gave its blowhole to the Whale who gave its tail to the cat Outside any biases or post mortem reliances A moment of silence that needs a poster-boy for science There will be a system which allows them to unzip your skin Cherry-picking innards from the synthesis they pickle in And someone that you never meet will wake on a convenient day Marvel in the lucky news, plug into your DNA And know the love inside a dying human's final gesture I will cut and dry, be leaving with your liver It's important to give away your pieces In the detail surrounding your death There will always be a need for the pieces you are made of You may one day need a few pieces yourself Can't play "Organs"? 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