Hey guys! This is my first tab and I love this Canadian band. Great sound and such a simple but great song to play. This is my first tab so let me know if anything is wrong. Listen to the song to get the feeling of it and have fun playing! *acapella* Oh, MAMA, down by the river Oh, YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER Oh, A SINNER FOR LOVE A D A E *just drums* Living life like a heart attack When the blood starts pumping you can't go back And I've never met a woman I've loved That I don't know ADarling, (x02220@1)what you waiting for? DThat (xx0232@1)old blue Toyota's outside the door APull (x02220@1)it inside, I'm past the side EYou (022100@1)take me places my heart hides AOh, (x02220@1)MAMA, down by the river DOh, (xx0232@1)YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER A (x02220@1) EOh, (022100@1)A SINNER FOR LOVE AOh, (x02220@1)MAMA, down by the river DOh, (xx0232@1)YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER A (x02220@1) EOh, (022100@1)A SINNER FOR LOVE ALiving (x02220@1)life in the eastern breeze DIt (xx0232@1)gets harder and harder to leave your seat AYou (x02220@1)get caught in the cover ELike (022100@1)the sun gets caught in the heat ADarling, (x02220@1)what you waiting for? DThat (xx0232@1)old blue Toyota's outside the door APull (x02220@1)it inside, I'm past the side E *quick strum* You take me places my heart hides AOh, (x02220@1)MAMA, down by the river DOh, (xx0232@1)YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER A (x02220@1) EOh, (022100@1)A SINNER FOR LOVE AOh, (x02220@1)MAMA, down by the river DOh, (xx0232@1)YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER A (x02220@1) EOh, (022100@1)A SINNER FOR LOVE SOLO 1 AD AE x2 SOLO 2 AD AE x2 *just drums* Oh, MAMA, down by the river Oh, YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER Oh, A SINNER FOR LOVE *acapella* Oh, MAMA, down by the river Oh, YOU KNOW I'M A SINNER Oh, A SINNER FOR LOVE Can't play "Mama"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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