Tabbed by Fraser Lennox. if you want to contact me. Drop D DADGBe Intro thing that's weirdly long |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------9--11-11--9--11-11-9-----------------| |----666--6-6-66---999-999-99---666-66--9--11-11--9--11-11-9------------------------------| |----666--6-6-66---999-999-99---666-66--9--11-11--9--11-11-9------------------------------| |----444--4-4-44---777-777-77---444-44----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Continued Intro |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------9--11-11--9--11-11-9-----------------| |----------------------------------------------------9--11-11--9--11-11-9-----------------| |----777--7-7-77---999-999-99---777-77--9--11-11--9--11-11-9------------------------------| |----777--7-7-77---999-999-99---777-77----------------------------------------------------| |----777--7-7-77---999-999-99---777-77----------------------------------------------------| Verse - Palm Muted. You can be creative and let some notes ring out if you like. |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------------| |--4---7---9/11---7----------4---7----------------------------| |-----------------------------------------4---6---0~----------| Pre-chorus kind of |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |--777---9------------| |--777---9------------| |--777---9------------| Chorus |------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------------| |----6-66-66-------------------------------------------------------| |----6-66-66--9-99-99---7-77-77-7-77-77---9999---------------------| |----4-44-44--9-99-99---7-77-77-7-77-77---9999---------------------| |----------------9-99-99---7-77-77-7-77-77---9999------------------| After Chorus. I'm not sure about the 4 power chord over the DAD in this because I saw Si play it differently, but it sounded right so... |--------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |----6-66-66---------------------------------------| |----6-66-66--9-99-99--4-44-44--7-77-77---9999-----| |----4-44-44--9-99-99--4-44-44--7-77-77---9999-----| |-------------9-99-99--4-44-44--7-77-77---9999-----| Intro x4 Continued Intro x1 Verse x3 Pre-Chorus x1 (starts 3 quarters of the way through the last bar of the verse) Chorus x3 After Chorus x1 Intro x1 Continued Intro x1 Pause for 2 bars Verse x1 Pre-Chorus x1 (with 6 power chord 7s rather than only 3) Chorus x3 After Chorus x1 Intro x1 Continued intro x2 End on starting power chord. Can't play "Actors"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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