This song is quite simple. The main chord sequence is repeated throughout the entire song, and all chords are barred. Don't be afraid to experiment with different strumming patterns. It's very fun to play along with. Enjoy. D#m--6-- (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)--2-- G# (xx1114@1)--4-- B (x2444x@1)--7-- Bb (x1333x@1)--6-- --7-- --2-- --4-- --7-- --6-- --8-- --3-- --5-- --8-- --7-- --8-- --4-- --6-- --9-- --8-- --6-- --4-- --6-- --9-- --8-- --x-- --2-- --4-- --7-- --6-- VERSE D#m (xx4342@1) F#You'll (244322@1)be happy to know G# (xx1114@1) BThe (x2444x@1)situation is worse D#m (xx4342@1) F#The (244322@1)endless bottles of pills G# (xx1114@1) BThat (x2444x@1)never seem to work D#m (xx4342@1) F#Sleeping (244322@1)in his clothes G# (xx1114@1) BAnd (x2444x@1)still looking his best D#m (xx4342@1) F#He's (244322@1)so high in the tomb G# (xx1114@1) BYou (x2444x@1)wouldn't know he's dead CHORUS D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(optional: (x2444x@1)slide down one fret to Bb) You look like you could use a rest D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you'd be better dead VERSE D#m (xx4342@1) F#They're (244322@1)making requests G# (xx1114@1) BFor (x2444x@1)songs that you never play D#m (xx4342@1) F#And (244322@1)the sanity lost G# (xx1114@1) BIs (x2444x@1)worth the money paid D#m (xx4342@1) F#How (244322@1)does it feel G# (xx1114@1) BTo (x2444x@1)be what you sing about D#m (xx4342@1) F#We (244322@1)all came to applaud G# (xx1114@1) BBut (x2444x@1)the ghost said you'd long checked out CHORUS D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you could use a rest D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you'd be better dead VERSE D#m (xx4342@1) F#You'll (244322@1)be happy to know G# (xx1114@1) BThe (x2444x@1)situation is worse D#m (xx4342@1) F#The (244322@1)endless bottles of pills G# (xx1114@1) BThat (x2444x@1)never seem to work D#m (xx4342@1) F#She's (244322@1)keeping receipts G# (xx1114@1) BOn (x2444x@1)all that you've done wrong D#m (xx4342@1) F#Your (244322@1)selfish efforts were cheap G# (xx1114@1) BAnd (x2444x@1)have lasted far too long CHORUS D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you could use a rest D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you'd be better dead D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you could use a rest D#m (xx4342@1) F# (244322@1)G# (xx1114@1) B(Bb) (x2444x@1)You look like you'd be better dead Tabs too difficult? Try these easy step-by-step video lessons and learn fast! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. Select "correction" instead! var current_rating = 0; var current_rating_count = 0; var tabid = 1461468; var ug_serv = ""; var tabs_user_id = 2747847; var transpose_to = 0; var has_ad_free = '0'; var tab_info = { 'name': 'coats of ice', 'version': 1, 'type': 'Chords' }; var instr = 'guitar'; var applicature = {"D#m":[{"l":[],"x":3,"n":[54,51,46,39,-1,-1],"t":[2,4,3,1,-1,-1],"g":[2,4,3,1,0,0],"f":1}],"F#":[{"l":[{"f":2,"b":0,"e":5,"r":1}],"x":6,"n":[54,49,46,42,37,30],"t":[2,2,3,4,4,2],"g":[0,0,2,4,3,0],"f":2}],"G#":[{"l":[{"f":1,"b":1,"e":3,"r":1}],"x":8,"n":[56,48,44,39,36,32],"t":[4,1,1,1,3,4],"g":[4,0,0,0,2,3],"f":1}],"B":[{"l":[],"x":11,"n":[54,47,47,39,35,-1],"t":[2,0,4,1,2,-1],"g":[3,0,4,1,2,0],"f":0}],"Bb":[{"l":[],"x":10,"n":[53,50,46,38,34,-1],"t":[1,3,3,0,1,-1],"g":[2,4,3,0,1,0],"f":0}]}; var acc_tuning = "E AD GB E"; var appl_api_version = 3; var ga_preffix = 'Text tabs '; $('.etp_banner .close_etp').click(function(){ $(this).parents('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); return false; }); $('.etp_banner .buybtn').click(function(){ $('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); }); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); © 2014 or its affiliates. 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