So I listened to the song and transcribed it as best I can. Some of this is actual, and other parts are my interpretation. The song is basically variations of arpeggios of these chords... F G C am D/F# Enjoy and please rate! Intro: -----------1-0--------------------| -----1-1-1-----3-1---1--1---------| -0h2---------------0-0----0-------| -----------0----------------2-0---| -------------3-2-0---3----------3-| -------1-0------------------------| Verses: ---------------------------3-------------| -----1---1-------0-----1------0-1-3------| -------2-------2---------2---------------| ---3---------0---------------------------| ---------------------3----------0-2------| -1---------3-------1----------3----------| -----------------0----0-------------------------3-| -----1---1--1-3-----3---------1---1-----------1---| -------2------------2-----------2-----------0-----| ---3--------------------------------------2-------| ------------0---------------3-----------3---------| -1------------------2-----1-----------3-----------| Chorus: |-----1---0---------|-----1-0---------|-----1-0-----0---|---------------------3-| |-1-1---------3---0-|-1-1-----3-------|-1-1-----1-3---3-|-1---1---1-------1-----| |-------0---0---0---|-----------0---2-|---------------2-|-------2-----------0---| |-----0-------------|-----0-------0---|-----0-----------|-----------------------| |---------3---2-----|-------3-2-------|-------3-0-------|---3-----------3-------| |-1-0-------------3-|-1-0-------------|-1-0-----------2-|-1---------1-3---------| Bridge: -------3---------------3-----------------------------------------------------| -----3---3---3-----3---------1-----1-----1---1---1---1-----1---1-----0-----0-| ---0-----------0-----0-----0---0-----0-----------------0---------------0-----| ---------------------------------------3---3---3---------0---0---0-------0---| -3---------2-----1-------0---------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------4-----------------3---------------3---------| Interlude (x4): ---------------------0---| -----1---1---0-1-1h3---3-| -------0-------0-0-------| ---3---------------------| ---------------3---------| -1---------1-3-----------| Outro: ---------------------------0----------------------| ---------1-------1-------3---3-----1---------1--1-| -------0---0---0---0---2-------------0-----0----0-| -----------------------------------------3------2-| -3-2-0---------------------------3--------------3-| -------------3-------2---------1-------3----------| Lyrics: Do you ever get worried And your load is hard to bear And your life is like a sad, sad story No one, nobody really cares Chorus: But if you ever need someone to talk to If you ever need a helping hand Ill be your ship out on the ocean Ill be your water in the desert sand Ive been there Ive felt like you do Feeling like winter would never turn to spring And everybody I know has got problems But theres a solution to everything (Repeat Chorus) And after youve found your way You wont own me nothing Cause youre gonna know that your well will never run dry Never run dry (Repeat Chorus) Ad lib: Ill be your water I will give you shelter Ill be your water I will be there for you Ill be your ship right on the ocean Ill be your water, in the desert sand Tabs too difficult? 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