LOVER LIES by The Atomic Fireballs The Atomic Fireballs was a band from Detroit and was a big part of the Swing Revival during the late 1990's. Intro: |Em7| - |D#+| - |G/D| - |C#dim7| - |C7| - |B7| |Em7| - |D#+| - |G/D| - |C#dim7| - |C7| - |B7| Em7 D#+ And when I woke up G/D (4x3121@7) C#dim7 I thought that she'd be gone C7 (x32310@1) B7But (x21202@1)she tied me to the bedpost C7 (x32310@1) B7Put (x21202@1)my stuff out on the lawn Em7 D#+ She said she knew of G/D (4x3121@7) C#dim7 of a love that never dies C (x32010@1) B7 (x21202@1) Em (022000@1) C (x32010@1)B7She (x21202@1)discovered how her lover lies She stood there silent With anger in her eyes In the past she never guessed it But she finally realized She thought she knew me It should come as no surprise She discovered how a lover lies Am7 (x02010@1) Em7 I ran around with Lucy Brown a time or two Am7 (x02010@1) Em7 Not long ago I did not know she knew Am7 (x02010@1) She made her acquaintance C (x32010@1) Em7 G (320003@1) C7 (x32310@1) B7 (x21202@1) Now her patience is finally through |Em7| - |D#+| - |G/D| - |C#dim7| - |C| - |B7/Eb| She says I'm just like All the other guys and she thinks that it's no wonder that divorce is on the rise But there's one thing I cannot compromise When I discover how my lover lies Now night is falling thoughts runnin' through my head of shuttin' my eyes sober and wakin' them up dead They'd have a suspect she'd say she's justified 'Cause she discovered how her lover lies She found a crime She'd wish they'd legalize When she discovered how her lover lies Chord chart: Em7 D#+ G/D (4x3121@7)C#dim7 C7 (x32310@1) B7 (x21202@1)Am7E|--7----------3----0-------3----2---5-----| (x02010@1)B|--8-----4----3----0-------5----4---5-----| G|--7-----4----4----0-------3----2---5-----| D|--9-----5----5----2-------5----4---5-----| A|--7-----6----5----4-------3----2---7-----| E|-----------------------------------5-----| Tabs too difficult? 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